Part 14 (Emergency Mission)

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"Did you take all the men out?"

"Yeah they're all down."

"Good. Let's get all the guns and get out of here."

"None of them saw you right?"

"Nah, even if they did they're probably dead."

"Good....Let the games begin then.."


I finally finished setting everything up. I had three monitors along with one regular desktop. Obviously I had a keyboard and mouse. My desk was surprisingly big as well. It seemed as though Bakugo went through the trouble to pick one out that would be able to hold everything I needed since it was here before I arrived.
"Everything's ready!" I smiled happily and sat down at the desk chair.
"It looks cool. It's almost as good as the set up you have at home." Hitoshi comes over and leans above the chair.
"I know right! Bakugo got a lot of stuff for me!" I started to screw around on the computer just going through random sites.
"Hey guys I just got a bad call." Mina says a bit urgently.
   "What do you mean bad call?" Bakugo sits up from the couch looking annoyed.
    "Someone attacked one of our shipments..." Mina quietly spoke out.
    "Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" Bakugo slammed his hands on the coffee table as he stood up from the couch.
    "What the fuck happened?! What happened to the shitty guards?!" Bakugo was yelling at this point clearly enraged.
    "They were all taken out Bakugo..." Mina says awkwardly in front of Bakugo.
    "Do you know who took them at least?!" Bakugo was pinching the bridge of his nose angrily.
    "A few of the injured men say someone with black hair and scarring around his body was there. Along with someone with light blue hair and chapped lips." Mina reads a text message from her phone out loud.
   "Why does that sound familiar..." Bakugo scratches his head trying to think.
    "I think we might be looking for Dabi and Shigiraki. They are from a gang called the League of Villains. Also known as LOV." I say still typing in my computer.
    "H-how did you figure that out?" Mina looks at me in astonishment.
    "I've done this before. In fact I have a whole coding program for it. I just put in the descriptions of the people and then the program will go through years of articles, news, posts, etc. I made it myself!" I continue to type through the computer to try and get anymore information on the LOV.
    "He's more useful than you damn extras." Bakugo starts walking over to a wall of guns.
    "What?! No way!! We're useful! Plus he probably just plays online games all day!" Kaminari pouts on the couch.
    "He just found our main suspects by typing into a computer. You sit around on the couch all day. If it came down to it I'd choose Deku to be on my team." Bakugo grabs a pistol off the wall.
   "W-what!? That's so mean Bakugo..." Kaminari fake pouts.
    I blush slightly from the compliment. People don't often think that I'm important since I just work with computers. They think 'oh well you just sit around all day and play on a computer, you aren't that important.' At least when they've only seen my hacking skills. I of course have other skills that are useful.
     "Tell me where can we find them?" Bakugo turns to me as he loads his gun.
    I blush harder. Bakugo was looking straight at me with an angry determined expression. He was loading his gun as he looked at me and talked to me. I swear I've never found someone so attractive before.
    "I-I uh... well-" I quickly turn away still blushing and start typing into the computer to try and find their location.
    While I'm typing through I start to put in more possible details. I keep typing and looking through but sadly I'm unable to find anything.
    "I...couldn't find anything. I'm sorry." I say nervously, somewhat afraid of Bakugo getting angry at me for not being able to find the location.
    "Ugh... it's fine. Do you have photos of them so if any of us see them we can let the others know?" Bakugo leans over me and looks at the computer.
    I nod quickly and start to type again. Bakugo stood over me looking intensely at the computer as I typed. He was a bit close but I didn't mind...
   "Here we go!" I turn around quickly.
    As I turn around I make eye contact with Bakugo. We were face to face, maybe a couple inches away. I blush and quickly turn back around.
    "S-sorry, anyways here are the pictures." I point at the screen with shaky hands.
    "'s fine..." I glance over to see Bakugo holding onto his mouth with his hand and slightly blushing.
   "Send these to everyone. I'll give you everyone's phone number." With that he walks away.
   "Well guess there's nothing we can do about it." Hitoshi sits down on the couch with a shrug.
    "Nothing now. I'll be sending you guys out to multiple clubs or bars in groups. If you guys see either of these two you'll text the others." Bakugo puts his gun in the back of his waistband and sits down.
    "What are the groups?" I swivel my chair around to face them all.
    "Shitty hair, raccoon eyes, and tape dispenser will be one group. I want you guys to go to my club. Pikachu and eyebags, you'll be another group. I want you guys to go to the Ice Bears Bar. Finally I'll be going with Deku. We'll be going to Club Sapphire." Bakugo leans on his knees deep in thought.
"Yay...." Hitoshi rolls his eyes.
"When will we do all this?!" Kaminari says excitedly.
"Tonight. So get ready. The bastards who did this are going to die." Bakugo gets up from the couch and leaves.

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Sadly I won't be able to update for the rest of this week ): I'll be camping and won't have service. Hopefully you understand. (:

~Total words 1021~

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