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Asa's voice died down once I turned off the engine. I threw one foot out of the car and paused. The lyrics of the song drifted into my mind, I shook my head at the memories it evoked and a wistful smile crawled up my lips. I could still remember our first night together, the feel of my fingers running through Uti's scalp as Asa serenaded me with her melodious voice.

So beautiful, was the title. But life didn't feel that way anymore.

I missed the good, old days when my biggest worry was getting Mother off my back. Massaging the side of my head, I got out of the car and stalked to the entrance of the house. I needed to call Mother, it had been so long. Too long.

The lyrics of Asa's song returned to taunt me, the words swirled in my head as I hurried up the short stairs. I knocked once and pushed the mahogany door open. Nothing beautiful about today. Tomiwa might say otherwise, we were here for the suits fitting and it could be considered a beautiful occasion. But the conversation with Oz, the suffocating silence from the witness made it hard to be positive.

Umoh was free, that murderer walked freely among men. Because he knew people. What people? Oz was yet to answer that question.

Cheers from the parlour made me pause, I placed one hand on the wall and tiptoed past the door of the living room into the dining hall. Junior's voice rang out the loudest and my heart went out to Uche. He must be losing from the amount of times Junior had called him out.

"King." I jumped. My chest deflated in relief at the sight of the tall man seated on one of the dining chairs with a glass of pulpy juice in front of him. Tomiwa arched a brow, I flashed him a smile and shrugged. I must look a fool loitering another man's house with my sneakers in hand like a petty thief.

But Tomiwa wasn't a random man. He was my friend. My brother. He wouldn't judge. Still, I found the black tiled floors fascinating as I closed the distance between us and slid into the seat opposite him. My fingers drummed on the glass table, he cleared his throat but I focused on the bouquet at the centre. Nice leaves. Or whatever they called plastic flowers. Ornamentals? Fuck if I knew.

"When did you arrive?" I studied the spot above his head. Maybe we could repaint our house the same colour as his. "King Daniels."

Slipping my feet into my sneakers, I stumped them on the floor. "Now." My gaze lowered to him. "A few minutes ago. Why are you here?"

As the owner, he could stay in any part of his house and the stupidness of my question echoed in the ensuing silence. My head was spinning from the load of bad news, I could not think straight with the stare he levelled me and the awkwardness hovering over us. I hoped to slip in, take my measurements and slip out. Get home and steal kisses from Uti, maybe cuddle. Anything that involved having her in my arms and plenty body contact.

"This is my house," he answered at last and I nodded. His index finger circled the rim of his glass, he lifted his eyes to me. "King, how are you? Don't lie to me." My throat dried up, I stiffened. Was I that obvious? I swiped a sweaty hand over my eyebrows, ignoring the thumping in my chest. Tomiwa emptied the content of the cup into his mouth. "You have been scarce."

Hiding my hands under the table, I met his gaze with what I hoped was a neutral face. The smile that stretched his lips convinced me he saw through my facade. I rubbed my hands on my knees. "Yeah, I've been busy." Words shot out of my mouth before I could think them through. "Busy with work."

"Work?" My head bobbed like a puppet hooked with strings. "You quit weeks ago."

A lump lodged in my throat, the back of my hand met my neck and I offered him a shaky smile. Tomiwa was doing that thing, the thing where he made you confess to a sin you didn't realise you committed by staring at you. I couldn't succumb. He didn't even know Uti had kids. None of them did except Junior. It was not my story to tell.

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