CHAPTER 22: Missing

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Jeongyeon's POV

"Can you tell me about it?" I asked while caressing her hair

"Yesterday Jeong bought ice cream" She started while smiling

"Then who's that bunny?" I curiously asked since she draw a smiling bunny

"Nayeon bunny. Before they call me bunny" she explained then continue with drawing a smiling bunny with ice cream beside it

I skipped my class today since all of them do have important activities and I don't. I decided to just take care of Nayeon since I'm a bit scared, what if she will be gone missing again, what if she'll harm herself?

"Hey what are you doing?" I asked her since she suddenly hugs me wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Thank you, Jeong" she uttered without stuttering

I'm a bit shock but I slowly removed her arms then held it instead.

"D-do you remember me before?" I slowly asked while stuttering since I'm not sure if this is the right time asking her

She looked straight at me then smiles.

"Jeong short hair" she uttered.

I was so shocked that I quickly released her hands out of my grasp.

She remembers me, she does.

"T-tell me? Are you alright now?" I asked without looking at her.

"What? Jeong asked Nayeon answered" she plainly stated.

"You keep on confusing the heck out of me" I uttered then shifted my gaze and now I'm staring at her

"Is jeong mad?" She asked while pouting

"No I'm not" I simply answere

She suddenly moves closer then kisses my cheeks.

"Don't be mad, okay? Nayeon will give you kisses always" she said while widely smiling showing her bunny teeth

I was a bit shocked with what she did but in the end I just smiled back at her.

"J-jeong always protects Nayeon. Jeong will stay with me always" she uttered

I just nodded pretending to agree with what she have said but deep inside I wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her that as much as I would love to stay by her side, I can't. I just can't.

The only way for her to get better is to be away with me and I don't know if she'll understand.

"Hey! Phone is ringing" she said while waving her hands in front of my face

I was zoning out for a bit that I didn't even notice that my phone is ringing

"Hello?" I answered upon picking up my phone

("Someone's looking for Nayeon") Dahyun stated on the other line

"What? What do you mean?" I was shocked even though I must not be since at this case she'll really be reported as missing.

("I don't know. I just saw it on the news just now while I was on break")

I don't know what to say. I just keep on staring at Nayeon who obviously don't have an idea on what is going on.

("Jeong? Just keep calm okay? I will try to get hold of Jihyo so that we can go back at our dorm during lunch and talk about it") she reassuringly said.

"Should I hide her?" I asked without even thinking about it.

("Why? Why would you do that?") She unbelievably asked

"I-i don't know. I want her to s-stay" I uttered while staring at Nayeon who just keeps on smiling

("Get back to yourself and calm down. We'll talk later, okay?")

"O-okay" I simply answered

I don't know. Like what the fuck. I really don't know what to do.

We should expect this since she just suddenly showed up from nowhere but I don't know why I feel like something isn't right.

"Jeong okay?" She slowly uttered

I looked at her and simply nodded. She may be shocked but I can't control myself anymore, I pulled her close then tightly wrapped my arms around her.

"P-please stay with me?" I whispered to her

I suddenly felt her hand slowly stroking my back as if she really understands how I feel right now.

"Nayeon will" she simply uttered then withdrawn herself from my hug

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