CHAPTER 21: Harried

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" I think that's the best thing that we could do" Jihyo shared her opinion

"I agree. Not that I don't want her around but what if same thing happens? I don't want her to hurt herself most especially that we don't know her reasons" Dahyun stated

They are right but I don't know why I keep on disagreeing.

Nayeon needs to be on a rehabilitation center not only to have her back to normal but to also be safe and assured that nothing unexpected would happen.

It is indeed the best thing that we could do for her but I don't know why there is something that makes me feel that this is not right.

"Jeong? Are you zoning out?" Dahyun suddenly uttered while waving her hand infront of me.

I did not notice that they have been asking me since earlier since I was so focus thinking about what could happen to Nayeon if we were to send her to a rehabilitation center.

"N-no. Just thinking of something" I responded

"I see. Anyway, what do you think?" Jihyo asked

I looked down and started gathering my thoughts. I obviously wanted to say that I disagree with that but I have no idea what to say.

"That's fine. You need time t--" Dahyun said but I quickly interrupted her

"I think we really need to" I firmly stated.

I know that I will regret my decision at a later time, isn't it how it works? Regrets always comes last.

I sighed heavily still thinking about it. I'm afraid for a reason and that keeps on bothering me.

"Aish. Goodness. I can't stop Nayeon and Tzuyu" Chaeyoung suddenly uttered while walking from the kitchen and is crossing her arms out of frustration

"What happened?" Jihyo quickly asked

"They can't have even a minute of peace!" She loudly uttered.

"Nayeon keeps on bothering Tzuyu then there's Tzuyu who does the same" she added then heaved a sigh

"I thought you already explained to Tzuyu what exactly happened?" Dahyun curiously asked while smiling

She is obviously having fun seeing Chaeng being frustrated and stressed

"I did and yet she still keeps on fighting back" Chaeng responded.

"Stop! I told you to stop! The heck with this woman." Tzuyu loudly stated while stomping her feet on the ground then there's Nayeon who keeps on poking her with a chopstick while smiling

"Who the hell bought these chopsticks?!" Tzuyu shouted a little bit that made them laughed

I wanted to enjoy the vibes of Tzuyu and Nayeon teasing each other but I can't keep myself from thinking about sending Nayeon to a rehab center.

I know that it is good for her and that it can possibly have her back to normal but I'm afraid. What if she's just like this with me because she is on that state? What if she still hates me the way she does before?

I am afraid with those what if's. I'm already attached to her and I can't take it if suddenly she just started hating on me again.

"Hey!! What's up with you today?" Dahyun said while clicking her fingers in front of me.


"You've been zoning out since earlier. Is there something that keeps on bothering you?" She asked

"Oh. Nothing" I answered

"Nayeon ice cream please? Please?" I suddenly heard and saw Nayeon acting cute again while pulling my shirt

"The audacity of this woman. After bothering me,  now she's asking for an ice cream" Tzuyu said while smirking

I know that it's just how Tzuyu teases back but I noticed that Nayeon pouted a little bit with what she have heard.

"Tzuyu loser no ice cream" Nayeon responded

I can't keep but to just smile. She really knows how to fight back

"Nayeon eat  ice cream okay? Jeong buy" she stated while smiling widely then quickly shows out her tongue when she saw Tzuyu

I just sighed. She's too much to handle but I like it. I can't keep on smiling since I had never think of feeling this kind of thing with the person that I hated the most.

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