CHAPTER 9: Unpredicted

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I slowly moved my arm since it sores a little bit. Nayeon slept in here and woke up around two to transfer to Chaeng's room so I kind of feel a little bit grumpy waking up.

"Hey! What are you waiting?" Jihyo loudly uttered while peeking on the door

"Sometimes you need to learn minimizing your voice" I replied

"And sometimes you can answer without being a bitch" she answered while laughing.

I slowly stand up and stretches my body.

Today will finally be the day that we will return Nayeon back to her home. Atleast with that we could enjoy our stay without looking after someone who acts and thinks like a child.

After almost an hour of preparing I went down stairs and saw Chaeng preparing everything that we need by the garage.

"They are on the way" Jihyo stated while holding Chaeng's phone. She must be referring to the three girls or should we call them J-Line since they are all from Japan.

"You will go home today" Dahyun said in a soft voice while caressing Nayeon's hand.

"Home? N-no please" Nayeon replied while looking down

"You need to. What if your parents are crying all day and looking for you?" Dahyun stated.

Nayeon keeps shaking her head while slowly punching the stuff toy that I gave her.

She don't have a choice since from the beginning I'd never planned to have her stay in here if not because of my bestfriends and if not because of her current state.

"They are here" Chaeng excitingly announced.

As soon as we saw them by the front door we immediately went to Jihyo's van.

"Dahyun just look after her okay?" Jihyo said while fastening her seatbelt.

"Sure" Dahyun simply replied.

"Who is she?" Momo curiously asked

"Nothing. Just someone we knew" I replied.

"Ohh i see" she answered.

"By the way we decided to bring some Japanese snacks in case you'd like to have some" Mina said while playing on her nintendo switch.

"That's awesome" Jihyo commented while driving.

Almost half an hour had passed and everyone seems to be enjoying the car ride.  Jihyo's playing a music with an intense rap part and there's Chaeng who's jamming with it, banging her head and speaking with a tone fastly along with the rap part.

"Wait" Jihyo suddenly cut then lowered the volume of the music

"This is probably the place" she said while looking around.

"What place?" Sana asked.

"Her home" Chaeng replied.

Jihyo parked the car on the side and we all went down. Dahyun's been holding Nayeon's hand tightly not wanting her to escape from us.

"H-home" Nayeon stated while pointing at the two-story house closed to the tree.

She made it easier for us since we don't have to search and ask anymore.

We walk closer to the house and gladly Nayeon seems to be cooperating and she's also walking by herself without being force.

"Hi! Is someone home?!" Jihyo shouted.

No one answered back so she went closer by the door step and started knocking.

"Hello?!" She once again shouted.

"Hey who are you looking for?" a grandma shouted from the neighborhood.

"Where is the homeowner grandma?" Chaeng asked.

"No one's living there for 10 years now" she replied in a loud voice that made us all confused.

Nayeon just confirmed that this is their house.

"Nayeon? Is that you?" the grandma uttered while walking closer.

It's confusing but grandma recognized her.
Nayeon smiled at her while slowly nodding.

"You look so pretty now. Just one moment" grandma said then walks back to her house probably to get something.

After a few minutes she came back smiling widely.

"Here" she gave Nayeon a key, probably the key to the house

"Your mom gave it to me and asked me a favor to give it to you once you visit" she stated then walks away.

We don't know what to do since that the situation seems to be more confusing.

"O-open" Nayeon said then gives the key to me since I'm standing right beside her.

I opened the door and switches the light on.

It is evident that no one's been living in here for quite a while now since the house is full of dust and spider webs.

Nayeon suddenly walks by the wall near the stairs while looking at the photos attached on the frame.

"M-mom--" she uttered and tears are started to fall from her eyes.

"D-dad. Nayeon li-little sister" she added while crying and pointing at the photo frame attached on the wall.

I just can't watch her being like that. Yes I wanted her to suffer but damn. I can't even take watching her cry.

I quickly walks close to her and pulled her arm. I can't think of anything but to hug her.


We are currently sitting by the car thinking of what are we gonna be doing with Nayeon.

Jeongyeon seems to be zoning out and just keeps on staring at the window.

"Are we gonna leave her in here?" Chaeng asked

"I don't think that's a good idea" Mina butted in

Chaeng nodded then looks down.

"We can't leave her here with that state. She can't live alone by herself" Jeongyeon suddenly uttered

"Yeah. But what are we gonna be doing?" Jihyo asked.

The three girls already knew what's up with Nayeon since Chaeng explained it to them earlier.

"I think if there's no one living in there for 10 years now, she must be living with someone that could be her relatives" Momo commented.

"Woooh. Did you just your brain?" Sana jokingly asked

"Yeah. You know I'm not a fool. I'm just keeping my intelligence for the future" she answered then smirked.

"She needs to stay with us while we look for her relatives" I uttered.

Jeongyeon just nodded then closes her eyes. That's a sign that she don't want to talk to someone and she does not want to be disturbed at the same time.

"Okay then" Jihyo responds late then started the car to drive again.

We personally don't know Nayeon, we just knew her as someone with a bitchy attitude back in middle school. We just knew her as someone who hates Jeongyeon .

I'm really confused with her current state and I'm way more confused to find out that she's not living with her parents for ten years now. I wanted to know more and I think that Jeong's also thinking the same thing as mine.

(A/N: Sorry for the late update. Internet has been down for a few days so I really can't update as much as I wanted to.)

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