CHAPTER 15: Burden yet happiness

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I'm driving fast going back to our dorm. I've been thinking a lot and I don't know if I'll find her or not.

I don't know if what I've thought before that she's pretending is right. I know this is not the right time to think of that but what if she chose to leave since in the first place she has a stable mind.

I slammed the steering wheel because of frustration. I wanted to find her but there's this feeling that pulls me from doing that, thinking that she must have been doing something that can ruin me again.

After a few minutes I arrived at our dorm and found Chaeng standing on the front door.

"Jeong. She's not really here. I've searched the neighborhood but she's nowhere to be found" she said as soon as she saw me

"Do we really need to find her?"

"I know what you're thinking but Jeong she's not pretending. I can sense it" she explained.


"I'll change my clothes first. Send Jihyo a message and tell her to inform my professor that I can't attend the class" I added

Chaeng just simply nodded and immediately grabs her phone from her pocket so I also went upstairs to change my clothes.

I decided to just wear my casual sweatshirt and a beanie and quickly went downstairs.

"You brought your car with you right?" I asked Chaeng

"Yes" she simply answered.

It's visible on her look that she's really worried and she can't keep herself from not moving.

"Calm down Chaengie." I told her.

"We'll part ways to find her okay?" I added

She nodded and quickly went outside along with me to start the search for Nayeon.

As soon as I open I saw her bear which I've seen earlier and had placed it on the front passenger's seat.

"Did she intentionally left this on the car?" I whispered to myself.

I wanted to say yes to my answer but still I wanted to find her. What if she's starving now? What if someone bullies her? What if someone would hurt her? What if she's afraid now? --those are what if's that I don't want to happen.

I started driving and make sure to check the sidewalk for a possibility that she might just be walking around.

I hate her and I know that I always will but deep inside I know that I still care there's just instances to where I remember what happened before and I instantly gets mad at her.

After a few minutes I saw a woman sitting by the ground beside a lamp post. I quickly turned off the ignition and went out of my car thinking that it could be her.

As I get closer I started losing my hope since I know that it's not her, it's not Nayeon.

"Where the hell are you?" I uttered to myself having a huge disbelief that she's really missing

I went back to my car and started driving again hoping that on my next stop that would be her.

I turned left first since that way is an intersection, a couple of minutes had passed and I decided to stop by on a convenience store to get something to drink.

Upon getting a water I lined up at the counter next to a middle-aged woman and her daughter which is I think around five years old and patiently waited until it's my turn.

"Again, don't get close to the woman sitting on the swing okay?" the woman said to her daughter

"Why mom? She's prettyyy" the little girl said while pouting and watching her mom grabs the items that they have bought.

They turned their back so I quickly gave my water to the cashier and pay for it.

"Just do what I said. She's crazy" I heard from the background.

I don't want to assume but I'm curious if she's referring to Nayeon. I know that there's a park infront of this store so I badly wanted to check to end my curiosity. Not that I think, Nayeon's really crazy, the woman's just stereotyping.

"Don't put it on a plastic" I stated then grabs the water.

I quickly went out and walk over the park to check if I'm thinking right but I'm quite disappointed since there's no one sitting on the swing anymore.

I decided to just go back to where my car's currently parked and tried calling Chaeng to check if she was able to find her.

As I am opening the door I felt that someone is hugging me from my back so I look back to know who that person is.

"Jeong jeong" she uttered while smilingly widely.

I can't help myself so I pulled her and hugged her tightly. I don't know but seeing her again made me happy. I felt at ease just by hugging her and just by feeling her presence.

After a few minutes I let her in and she suddenly squealed with delight as soon as she saw her bear.

"Y-you fine? Jeong takes care?" She uttered while looking at the stuff toy

"Are you talking to her?" I asked since she looks so adorable doing that.

She just nodded while smiling.

"Where have you been?" I asked

"P-park. Nayeon bored alone" she said while pouting

"It's quite far. Did you walk?"

She shakes her head while smiling at me.

"Then how'd you come here?" I asked

"Bus" she simply answered

I furrowed my eyebrows since she can't take the bus without a card or a money

"Do you have money?"

"No. Jeong's piggy bank" she answered while giggling

I have nothing to say so I just facepalmed thinking that she went away but she uses my money on the piggy bank.

She keeps on smiling while poking my face and giggling.

"Stop it"

"We'll talk once we get home okay?" I stated then moves forward to fasten her seatbelt.

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