Chapter 28: Eidolon

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It's been two months since you decided to leave me. 

I told you I'm okay as long as I'm with you, but why did you suddenly choose to hurt me, why did you suddenly just leave me hanging by myself? 

For whole two months, I knew that you can't resist me. I know that one day you'll come back for me but you didn't. For whole two months, I'm at least expecting for you to personally come and apologize, but why did I expect for nothing. 

Now, I remember. To you, I'm just nothing. 

I knew I hurt you, but I thought everything's already okay, but I guess it's just me who thinks that way 'cause you hurt me back. 


" What are you staring at?" Chaeyoung suddenly poked me 

"Nothing? I guess? " I answered, then laughs since Chaeyoung caught me staring nowhere

"Oh, I see. You might be seeing something lol" Chaeyoug stated then started tapping my right arm.

"A ghost?" I asked 

" A ghost from your memory." she then answered 

"I'm just kidding." she added then giggles

I just nodded, then smiled.

"We'll go now. They must be waiting" Chaeyoung stated then stood up.

I immediately followed her. 

We skipped our last class and have decided to stay in the rooftop, I'm not in the mood to attend the class and Chaeyoung feels the same that's why she followed me on my way to the rooftop earlier.

"I think I have to stop by the locker area. I need to get a book there" I uttered 

"That's great. I will also get my art materials there" She answered

After a few minutes passed, we are able to reach the locker area and there, we also met Sana and Momo.

"Where's Mina?" Chaeyoung immediately asked upon seeing just the two of them. 

"Oh, she a-actually went w-with--" Momo said while stuttering

"Yeah, she went with her childhood friend who recently just came from Japan" Sana immediately continued what Momo is saying

"Are you hiding something?" Chaeyoung suspiciously asked

"No, it's just that, we thought she told you, but it seems like  she did not" Sana answered

"Why it has to be today?" Chaeyoung asked while smirking

"We really don't know, Chaeng. We just knew that she was told by her father to accompany him around" Momo stated.

She just sadly nodded. It is her birthday today and it's indeed a bad timing for Mina to be with someone not her. 

"I guess he's more important than me." she uttered while looking down.


It's my birthday today and we've decided to just celebrate it at the beach since it's also the weekend. I just don't get why Mina can't come, it's annoying. Why does it have to be today? What a nice present. 

"Where are the others by the way?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Dahyun and Jihyo went to the supermarket. Tzuyu? I'm not really sure about her, she might have just stayed at the dorm." Sana quickly answered.

"Can we just go with you guys? Mina brought her car with her" Momo asked while pouting. 

"Sure, as long as Momo's the one who will drive" Jeongyeon answered while smiling

"Nah, I mean, she can drive but I can't guarantee if we'll be safe though" Sana stated obviously teasing Momo

"We're both clumsy but nothing can beat you Sana" Momo rebutted

Sana just smirked, then started walking towards the parking lot.

"Let's go" She shouted from the distance. 

"Look at that girl. She thinks she's not clumsy, what a joke" Momo muttered while walking.


"Hi! It's been a while" I heard Jihyo talking to someone.

We are currently at the supermarket to buy groceries and stuffs that we need for Chaeng's birthday. Jihyo's currently on the other bay and she might have met someone that she knew.

"How is she?" I heard Jihyo asked the other person

"She already left. She just stayed for 3 weeks, someone went there to get her" the other person answered.

"Who's someone? By any chance, do you know the person who went there to get her? Are you sure she's safe?" I can hear Jihyo bombarded the other person with questions.

"No, I'm sorry but we're not allowed to disclose any other information" 

"But we brought her there, didn't we?" 

"Yes, but she really does not want to get in touch to anyone who brought her there, plus she seems to know who that person was"

"One thing for sure, she's already okay" the other person added.

Out of curiosity, I decided to go into the other bay and there I found the staff who took care of Nayeon. 

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