CHAPTER 18: Sick

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I have been waiting for them but they have not arrived yet. I'm kind of a bit nervous waiting and at the same time curious on what could be the diagnostic assessment for Nayeon.

"Did you call them?" Dahyun suddenly asked while comfortably sitting on the couch

"Nope. Better to just wait" I quickly answered

"Then sit down, you keep on going back and forth"

"I really can't stay still" I frustratingly answered since even myself don't have an idea on why am I so worried

We just chitchatted for a few minutes until I noticed that they have arrived.

"Hey! Open the door for them, you've been so bothered earlier why do you seem so quiet now?" Dahyun suddenly stated

I forgot that we have locked the door for safety so I'm kind of a bit stiff and just keep on staring on the door while they keep on knocking that's why Dahyun quickly stood up and opened it for me.

After a few minutes, Jihyo quickly went in while Chaeyoung and Nayeon could still be in the car.

"I told Chaeng to stay on the car with Nayeon for 3-5 minutes" Jihyo suddenly uttered.

She might have noticed that I'm looking outside.

"Alright. Anyway, how does it goes?" Dahyun started asking

"It's kind of hard to diagnose her at first since she keeps on cutting in and out but the doctor said it is CPTSD (Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), she also said that she have experienced physical abuse for years based on her assessment but she still needs to find more details"

"W-what do you mean?" I slowly asked her

"Bottomline, she's not pretending. She has a mental illness which can be cure by treatments and medications"

"I don't get it. So she was abused?" Dahyun curiously asked.

"I don't exactly know what it is but the doctor says that Nayeon told her that her mom and dad with her sister went away" Jihyo answered

"Do you think it is best for us to find answers as well?" Dahyun suggested

"Yeah but the doctor advised to keep Nayeon away from the person who have abused her, her state might get worse if so"

I don't know but I initially felt relieved knowing that she's not pretending but I wanted to know why she turns out like this, why she suddenly became like this when she was even good with ruining's people's life back then.

I have a lot of questions and at the same time I wanted to end the bad relationship that we had and start a good one but it's hard I wanted to have answers for my questions because it is hard to forgive most especially to the person that I resent the most.

"What do you think Jeong?" Dahyun suddenly stated while clicking her fingers infront of my face


"We need to help Nayeon" she answered

"What are we? Prosecutors?" I asked

"If only she have been good to me from the start" I whispered to myself

"Can you stop being selfish Jeong? Where is the selfless Yoo Jeongyeon that we knew?" Jihyo suddenly said while standing and crossing arms

"Sorry" I muttered then turned my back from them

"J-jeong! Nayeon is heree" I suddenly heard and it's too late since when I tried to look back she is already back hugging me

"Seriously? She's been insisting to go inside just to hug her?" Chaeng unbelievably asked

"I should have call my minguin" she added that made us all laugh

"Same. I should have call my Daniel as well" Jihyo uttered

"Okay. I'll just pray" Dahyun stated while glaring at us.

"Go on." Chaeng teases her

"Speak up simba" Dahyun teases her back

"Wait. Minguin's calling" Chaeng excuses

"Alright. It's her number but it is Sana and Momo. Let me just put them on speaker" Chaeng stated.

"Helloooooo" Sana greeted

"Where's Dahyun? I miss her" Momo can be heard from the background

"Goodness! I never knew that someone would miss Dahyun" Chaeng commented while laughing

"Ya! Son Chaeyoung, stop teasing our Dahyuniee, Mina's here do you want us to do something to her?" Sana threathened

"Go on! As if you can"

"What was that Chaeng chaeng?" Mina answered on her soft voice from the other line

Chaeng just simply smiles as if Mina would see her smiling.

"Jeongyeonnie, do you want to work part time?" Momo asked me while giggling

"Where?" I suspiciously asked

"On our dorm. We need a part time cleaner" she answered while laughing on the background

"Momo will be paying you since first and foremost she's the one who keeps on messing things in here" Sana said, she's obviously teasing Momo

"Where's Jihyo?" Momo suddenly asked

"Don't let her speak! My phone speaker will be tortured" Mina started joking around

"Myoui Mina!! I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Jihyo simple answered


I somehow feel glad that we had new friends which shares same vibes with us.

As soon as I started stepping up the stairs I realized that Nayeon's sitting on the first step while clinging on my legs.

"What are you doing?" I asked while slowly shaking my left leg

"Can you stop pouting?" I asked her while trying to remove her arms from my leg

"Nayeon sleep" she uttered

"Okay. Now stand up"

"Sleep beside Jeong" she added

"Nope. You can't"



What happened in 2015? (2Yeon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora