CHAPTER 14: Missing you

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It's almost 8 in the morning and I'm driving to the school. We got back yesterday so I still feel a little bit grumpy and lazy attending my class but I have no choice.

I stopped my car on the side to grab my drink at the back passenger seats. I was surprised to find Nayeon's bear, the one that I gave her, seating at the back with a seatbelt on. I grabbed the stuff toy instead of my drink and noticed that she wrote her own name on the belly part of the bear.

I can't help but to smile seeing how adorable it is. How could she sneak in and open my car just to put her bear?

She must be lonely back at our dorm since everyone's gone to attend classes. Dahyun's the one who takes care the most and makes sure that she has enough food the entire day since we are not home.

As soon as I started driving I heard my phone ringing and good thing it is connected to my car so I can answer it even though I am driving.

"Hello?" I asked as soon as I picked up the phone call


"Yes chaeng? What's the matter?" I asked her.

"I'll be staying at the dorm later since I don't have a class"

"That's good. Someone will be looking after Nayeon" I replied while parking my car since I just arrived at our school's parking lot.

"Okay then. I just called to ask for permission" she explained

I just laughed since sometimes she's at our dorm and no one's aware of it. It's just weird that she called before going which is not even necassary.

"Why are you laughing Jeong?"

"Nothing. Anyway I'll hang up now" I told her since I need to go to my room now.

I ran through the corridors and after a few minutes I'm finally infront of our classroom door.

I sighed knowing that our professor is not yet around so I quickly get in and sit on my usual spot

As I'm busy browsing on my ipad I noticed that my phone lights up and saw Tzuyu caller I.D. I immediately answers the phone call to know what she's up to.

"Yes yoda?" I greeted

"Not so good to mock in the first minute of a call" she replied

"Okay whatever. What's up?" I asked her.

"I'll be coming back there this Saturday" she stated from the other line

"That's great. Do you want us to welcome you at the airport with banner and such things?" I jokingly asked

"If that's what you want then I'm fine with it. Make sure to wear a mascot as well"

I just laughed since she is still the same Tzuyu.

"Anyway, have you already informed the others?" I asked her.

"No. I'll do it later"

I saw our professor entering so that might be the reason of the sudden silent.

"I have to hang up now Yoda. See you soon!" I said then quickly hide my phone on my pocket


I'm locking my dorm since I'll be going to the other dorm when received a text message from Mina so I immediately opened it.

MN: Sana and Momo borrowed my car since they have classes but I forgot I have a scheduled training today.

As soon as I read her message I immediately replied since I know that the company is quite far.

CY: I'll bring you over to the company.

MN: Thanks. I'll be waiting.

I'm supposedly not to bring my car since the other dorm is just a walking distance but there's a need for me to drive right now for Mina.

After almost 15 minutes I arrived at the J-lines dorm and I smiled upon seeing Mina waiting at their front door.

As soon as she saw my car she quickly went over so I opened the car's door to let her in.

"I'm really sorry" she said while pouting which is for me she looks so adorable.

"No that's fine." I replied.

I started driving so that she will arrive on time for her scheduled training.

"Don't you have classes today?" She asked while using her phone.

"I had. It's only from 7 to 9" I simply replied.

"Do you have any plans?"

"Nothing. I will just be staying on the other dorm" I answered

She just nodded and continued using her phone.

After a few minutes my phone started ringing and I can't answer it right away since it's not connected to my car.

"I'll answer it for you" Mina said.

She grabs the phone from my coat's pocket and look quickly into the screen to know who's calling.

"Pretty TzuTzu" she said while looking at my phone

"Okay. Can you please answer it?" I asked her.

She just nodded and slide the screen to answer the phone call and immediately put it on a loudspeaker.

"Why?" I asked Tzuyu

"Are you not happy that I'm calling you?" She jokingly said since I can hear her laughing on the other line

"Of course. But I'm driving right now" I answered

"I'll call you again later. You might not be able to reach the brake. How could you drive when you have a short legs?" She replied while laughing hard on the background.

"Whatever Yoda, just shut up. I'll hang up now"

I disconnected the call since she's just laughing on the background.

"Who is she?" Mina asked while crossing her arms

"Our friend" I simply answered.

"What's with name?" She seriously asked.

"She's the one who saved her contact on my phone." I explained.

"Why so jealous?" I mockingly asked.

After a few minutes of not talking to me she just suddenly smile.

I can't contain myself so I keep on smiling thinking how amazing she is.

After almost half an hour of driving we arrived at the company so we bid goodbye to each other and I drove back to the other dorm.


Only ten minutes left and we're breaking for lunch. As I'm keeping my stuffs to my bag I noticed that there's a message from Chaeng so I quickly opened it.

CY: Can I call? Something important.

Why is everyone keep calling me? This would be the fourth phone call that I'll be receiving.

"There's still 7 minutes left but I'll dismiss you now since I'm also hungry" our professor announced that left everyone  laughing.

JY: Okay. You can call now.

After a couple of minutes Chaeng's calling me so I immediately answers it.

"What's important?" I asked her upon answering the call.

"Nayeon's not here" she replied

"You're joking"

"I'm not. I tried searching her but she's not here" she stated with full of seriousness on her voice.

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