xxxvii - confession

Start from the beginning

"The only disappointment we had was you marrying Greg. But we can never be mad at you , you're our sister and now you have the chance to be with the man you always wanted to be with," I soothed .

"Thank you," she said wiping her tears and going right back to Mick. Those two as a couple was always how we imagined . And although it wasn't ideal that she had an affair , they found their way to each other again. As for Greg, it looks like I'll be paying my team overtime to work on two projects.

Aria walked over to me and I held her in my arms, "Is your sister mad?"

She shakes her head, "no, she was more concerned about Florence's safety. Once she saw that she was safe, Delilah ate up the whole drama . She also offered any kind of help that you guys may need."

"She is a peculiar one," I laugh .

"You're telling me, but I wouldn't trade her in for anyone else," she says to me as she looks up .

It was already dark out and the stars were twinkling . I looked at Aria and placed my hand on the side of her neck as I went in for a kiss. I swear, I will never grow tired kissing her . And I plan on kissing her, all sorts of different way until I can't pucker these lips anymore.

When we pulled apart she sighed, "Warren."

"Aria, I know it's only been a short time , but if I don't say this now , then when will it be a good time?" I look into her large eyes , "I am so hopelessly and irrevocably in love with you ," I say and go back in with another scorching kiss . She matched the intensity and if we didn't come up for air , we might be showing the bridal party how to make babies.

"I love you. I always have been, I think I knew it back when we were kids . You marked my heart, " she confesses to me.

And I pulled her in for another embrace . We stood outside for a few minutes longer, appreciating the scenery above us. It was quiet but my heart felt full . I had the woman of my dreams and she loved me back. Now it was time to make sure no one messes with her . Because I will be making her a Wells and I don't want to waste another moment.


After that little fiasco , Warren and I had some alone time outside . Florence explained her side of the story and I felt for her . Being kept away from the actual man she loved because she didn't think there was ever chance, made me sad . Sad that she was so obviously wrong. Mick showed up for her and their baby tonight.

When Warren told me that he loved me, I felt as if everything had aligned perfectly . The stars were dancing and my heart was overflowing with joy . He was everything I didn't know I wanted and everything I could have hoped for. Although Dylan gave my heart a good while, it was nothing compared the intense love I was feeling at this moment.

We kissed again before deciding to go back inside . Delilah and Henry were about to cut the cake and do all those newer traditional things like tossing the bouquet and garter throw . Warren and I walked back in hand in hand. Tonight was definitely a surprise since I initially was suppose to be with Alex and Florence with Greg. Funny how life turns out.

The expected cheering went on as the lovebirds sliced down the middle and fed each other cake, messily . And then a little too erotically for innocent eyes . Henry's friends whistled while we all yelled to get a room . Delilah wiggled her eyebrows at us. Then they cleaned up and had everyone gather for the tosses while the venue cut up the cake to serve to us.

First up , the women . She swung it up once, twice and by the third one turned around and threw it directly at me . I wasn't expecting this , especially since Warren and I literally just started dating . I'm pretty sure exchanging 'I love yous' makes you an official couple. Then it was time for the garter toss. The men all lined up and to my surprise , Warren actually tried his hardest to catch it and he did .

They got the two of us together and I sat on his lap while the photographer captured this moment . As I sat on him , I laughed, "what are the odds?"

"Pretty good, I say," he smiles as he leans over to me and plants a huge kiss. To which made the whole room went wild . I covered my face with the bouquet to hide the bright red I was sporting.

When we finally sat back at our table , the cake was ready and waiting . Everyone else was talking amongst themselves but Warren and I sat there mesmerized with each other . As corny as it was, he fed me from his plate and I fed him from mine.

That was when Marie spoke up , "Yup, you two are definitely next."

"We just started dating," I begin to protest not wanting to scare Warren off.

"But when you know, you know," he said as he kissed me again .

Originally I had planned to keep this story to 35 chapters . Clearly that didn't happen . My new goal was 40, but we shall see because we still have a couple more things to work out !

Also thank you soooooo much for your support!

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