3. Xenaida Soames

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Full Name
Xenaida Soames

Xee, Xena

536-537 (ACOMAF)
537 (ACOWAR)
538 (ACOFAS)
539 (ACOSF)



Nowhere of importance


Half-Meliae (also known as a Dryad which is a Tree Nymph), Half-Illyrian
She doesn't actually have much of the Illyrian attributes or abilities, for example she has no wings or syphons or innate killing power. The majority of her likeness is to her Meliae mother. She has the power to persuade control plants or trees so she can make them grow in certain ways on command (like making vines grow to trap someone). Her body is humanoid like the Illyrians/High Fae but she is considerably smaller and slighter (like a petite human). She does have pointed ears like Illyrians/High Fae but they are both longer and skinnier. Her eyes are an intense forest green with shining golden flecks. It also might look like her arms and hands and forehead are covered in green, brown and gold sparkles but it's just her skin.

Mother - Ilana Soames (deceased)
Father - Kilancen Drak

Emeraude Toubia

Personality- Anyone that would meet her would think her extremely quiet in both volume and personality but, if she feels as though she can let her guard down, she's pretty much the opposite - Friendly- Sweet- Kind- Affectionate- Playful - Funny- E...

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- Anyone that would meet her would think her extremely quiet in both volume and personality but, if she feels as though she can let her guard down, she's pretty much the opposite
- Friendly
- Sweet
- Kind
- Affectionate
- Playful
- Funny
- Empathetic
- Clever
- On the verge of naivety
- Trusting
- Loyal
- Reckless
- Stubborn
- A little childish
- Has no filter
- She rarely gets angry but can't hold it in when she gets really really annoyed

Feyre, Rhys, Cassian, Mor, Amren, Elain, Nesta, Gwyn
The King of Hybern, the human queens, Koschei
Love Interest
Azriel (mate)

Over half a millennia ago, Xenaida was born as a result of an affair between a visiting Illyrian lord and a lesser Fae servant girl. Her father told her mother to get rid of the baby and left but obviously she didn't. He left and left her to deal with the child on her own. Xenaida grew up in servitude to the same lord her mother worked for but it was actually more like slavery. She literally grew up with the boy in a cage in the basement as her only friend. They were just kids but they built a bond that would never break even if she never saw him again. Her mother and her worked for this Illyrian war-lord that had had a third child with someone other than his wife. He was a bastard like her. The boy's name was Azriel and he was kept locked up for his entire childhood. Xenaida would sneak down there every day after her chores and one day when they were both eleven, she opened the door and told him to never look back.
Xena lived out the next five decades of her life slaving away in that house until suddenly her mother died one day of a mysterious illness. She was utterly depressed with no one to talk to and little to no understanding of life other than the daily cruelty. Nymphs are infamous for their jaw-dropping beauty and sexual attractiveness, it was a sexist misconception but everyone did believe that any sexual activity with whomever was automatically desired by her kind. And one of the lord's legitimate sons also thought that he had a right to her because she was a servant. Long story short, he dragged her kicking and screaming to the privacy of the forest but she was so scared that she lost control and the trees she so dearly loves came to her aid. The roots of a large oak tree shot up from the ground and almost crushed his throat within an inch of his life so she could get away. He had her sent away the next day.
Xenaida was sold to another Illyrian war-lord, objectively even crueler than the last. It was her father. He immediately knew that she was his offspring but just didn't care, allowing absolutely anything to happen to her as long as it didn't interfere with her work. It was another four centuries until the High Lord of the night Court, Rhysand, and his two friends, Cassian and Azriel, showed up at the war-lords house to discuss loyalties. The Earth Goddess obviously favoured her that day because she was the servant girl that was working the meeting. The first person she saw was Azriel and even the surprise of that would've shook her but that wasn't all she felt. She felt this rush and this light snap into place, the mating bond. Before she knew it, she had dropped a jug of wine all over the floor, unable to look away. She was then aggressively pulled back and immediately was hit by some pissed off soldier. Before she could even breath though, Azriel has him on the floor.
Xenaida was then brought back to Velaris as soon as she could've been.

- Her first home allowed her to visit a forest nearby but the next didn't. She visits the the trees outside Velaris everyday now
- Neither of her former homes allowed her to socialise much with anyone so she can't read or write because her mother couldn't either
- She didn't accept the mating bond for about a year, just getting used to freedom and getting to know Az again
- She flinches every time someone raises their voice, expecting to be hurt
- She was never trained in anything as a kid except for her mother teaching her the prayers to the trees. Talking to trees and plants, she learned on her own. Cassian taught her how to fight in Velaris
- Even to this day, she is still so terrified of her father taking her away from her mate and her friends
- She prays to the goddess Gaea every time she's next to a tree

Scenario 1
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