1. Maleficent Firedrake

320 23 107

Full Name
Maleficent Firedrake

Preferred Name

23/24 (season 4)



29 July

Zodiac Sign

Broken Arrow, Oklahoma


Mother - Tatia Firedrake (deceased)
Father - Miguel Firedrake (deceased)
11 older sisters - Celinde Firedrake (deceased), Eponine Firedrake (deceased), Maeve Firedrake (deceased), Margot Firedrake (deceased), Regina Firedrake (deceased), Genevieve Firedrake (deceased), Geraldine Firedrake (deceased), Alice Firedrake (deceased), Caroline Firedrake (deceased), Elis Firedrake(deceased) and June Firedrake (deceased)
24 older brothers - Finn Firedrake (deceased), Tomas Firedrake (deceased), Kieran Firedrake (deceased), George Firedrake (deceased), Kaleb Firedrake (deceased), Roman Firedrake (deceased), Nikolos Firedrake (deceased), Terrance Firedrake (deceased), Rick Firedrake (deceased). Paul Firedrake (deceased), Arthur Firedrake (deceased), Reese Firedrake (deceased), Elliott Firedrake (deceased), Darcy Firedrake (deceased), Robert Firedrake (deceased), John Firedrake (deceased), Luca Firedrake (deceased), Jeremy Firedrake (deceased), Steven Firedrake (deceased), Erik Firedrake (deceased), Reginald Firedrake (deceased), Laurens Firedrake (deceased), Ross Firedrake (deceased) and Kyle Firedrake (she isn't aware that Kyle isn't dead)
Nephew - Joseph Firedrake

Willa Holland

Personality- Sometimes distant - Secretive- Is too afraid to show any emotion - Independent (to the point of repeatedly pushing people away)- Doesn't trust anyone and it's almost impossible to get her to- Afraid of abandonment - Hates being vulner...

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- Sometimes distant
- Secretive
- Is too afraid to show any emotion
- Independent (to the point of repeatedly pushing people away)
- Doesn't trust anyone and it's almost impossible to get her to
- Afraid of abandonment
- Hates being vulnerable
- Somewhat reckless
- Selfish
- Incredibly loyal if anyone ever gets close enough
- Hardened for survival
- Has this incredibly high sense of confidence surrounding her fire, some would even say that she's cocky. She adores the fact that she could easily burn someone from the inside out with nothing but a flick of a wrist
- Stubborn
- Witty
- Sarcastic
- Has never been shown any kind of love and hasn't ever loved anyone so she will never let go of it if she ever finds it
- No one would expect it but she can very sweet

Dean, Castiel, Bobby, Charlie, Mary, Jack, Jody, Claire
Love Interest
Sam Winchester

(Fire) Dragon
Can create and manipulate fire, can burn people from the inside with a touch, immortal
Dragonglass is the only thing that can kill them, other Dragons can hurt them, when they get hurt in a way that a human would die they pass out, immortality disappears when Dragon's have relations with a human (because if a dragon has a child with a human, there is 50% that the child is born human and 50% that the child turns out to be a half breed) *half breeds are the dragons in the show. They are not immortal, they have less powers and they are inherently evil. Full dragons hate them)


Mal was the last born in her family of 37. Her mother and father had been over 10,000 years old and had many children over the years and they never separated for long, never moving out. She had grown up and been taught her whole life about being what she was and how to survive. When she was 13, her sister June had a son with a human which had her disgraced and kicked out to live a human life. Not long after that, hunters came and killed every single one of them except Mal (she isn't aware that Kyle isn't dead) which wiped out the entire species.

- Her parents called her Maleficent because they thought it'd be funny
- She was the only child her parents had had in 6,000 years
- Her older sister was disowned because of the fraternising rule and had a son
- Her parents strictly prohibited any relationships with humans (for bigoted reasons and immortality reasons)
- Because the Firedrakes were the last of their kind, the parents expected the siblings to commit incest if they ever wanted to procreate
- The dragons in S06 E12 is an impure strain of her species. They are less powerful and don't live forever. They are the result of one of the first species and a human having a child
- Her nephew is not one of them as there is a 50% chance they'll get the powers
- Because the half-breeds are more human, they end up going crazy and just killing people as the power corrupts there minds
- Over 5,000 years ago, there was a war between the Dragon families (the Waterdrakes, the Earthdrakes and the Airodrakes) which wiped them out which is why the Firedrake kids haven't been able to procreate without losing their immortality and powers
- Most records on Dragons had been destroyed a million years ago
- Her family were killers and committed atrocities but, thankfully, they hadn't ordered Mal to do the same because she was young before they died. She feels so guilty for it but she's kinda glad they died so she wouldn't have to hurt anyone. She made a vow that she wouldn't ever hurt anyone with her fire unless they hurt her first
- She has what she calls a "birthmark" just above her collarbone. Every dragon has a small patch of an actual dragons skin. Hers in green and she picks and chooses when to cover it
- Her family basically raised their children to have incestuous relationships because there were no others of their species and so they had to reproduce somehow

Scenario 1
Mal had returned to Broken Arrow as she had heard of some attacks that resembled the circumstances of a Dragon's murder. She was seeking any survivor, even if it wasn't her family. She was in a bar that she used to frequent one night.

Scenario 2
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