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10 years later

"Honey, I'm home", Taehyung's deep voice echoed through the big entrance hall of their small mansion. He got off work pretty early today, happily closing the diner they opened a few years ago a little earlier than usually. Rainy days always made the customers stay away but that was okay since Taehyung and Jungkook had grown their little business enough so there was nothing to worry about.

First Taehyung got run over by two puppies that rushed down the stairs and started jumping the boy restlessly. They were followed by Yeontan who came downstairs as well-, just in slow mo.
"Oh hello sir", Taehyung greeted his favorite dog. The small dog was a grandpa by now, never hurrying or rushing anymore.
"Where's my baby", Taehyung whined, looking around.

Then he heard a soft singing voice coming from the bathroom. Tae smiled to himself. Of course Jungkook was showering and getting ready. He always did that, every evening before Taehyung would come home, Kook would dress up and look absolutely endearing. Then he tortured his husband with his beauty during dinner, not letting him getting anywhere near him until he finished all his food and had done the dishes for him.
The rest of their usual night routine was obvious, right?
Usually it ended up in them fucking for at least two hours straight before they would actually start doing something normal like watching movies or talk about their days.

You could think that ten years of marriage would have changed something between them, it should have made their relationship calmer. But that wasn't the case at all. Jungkook and Taehyung fell more in love with the other day by day, with every kiss they shared and every look they exchanged.

There was something about their growing trust in each other that made their whole relationship more attractive. Not one single day they spent apart ever since they rushed off to Vegas to get married. By now they still had no friends. But three dogs and a big house in California. Plus a sweet little diner that got them pretty rich without being in the spotlight. Of course many customers that came there were old fangirls of Taehyung's, still trying to become his love interest. Just that it never worked, Taehyung had only eyes for Jungkook and vice versa.
"Baby", Taehyung hummed as he entered the bathroom, closing the door before the puppies could run inside.

Jungkook was standing under the shower, fully naked and water dripping down his still muscular body. "I missed you", he was fazed by Jungkook's looks, quickly pushing his own pants and shirt off so he could join the boy in the shower.

"Tae!", Jungkook turned around, smiling brightly when he realized that his husband came home early. "You're home early~"

"I missed you too much so I closed early", Taehyung teased, got out of his boxers and then hurried under the shower. Jungkook had the water extremely hot, smirking as he noticed how Taehyung pressed his body against Kook's, holding him by his waist. "Fuck I love you", the older said and then placed small kisses on Jungkook's neck.

Those two never lost their spark.
Both knowing how it felt to be without the other just made each and every day a thousand times more precious as long as they could spend it together. They were sure that they would never get tired of this. It was too good to be true, but it had been their reality for the past ten years now. Not one day to doubt.

Another ten minutes and Taehyung had Jungkook pulled out of the shower, confident in himself that he would get the boy to bed before dinner today. Even though Jungkook always tried to go through with the rules he made in this house. But he seemed a little helpless right now while being dragged to one of their bedrooms. "The blue one today?", Taehyung teased and opened the door to one of their five bedrooms. They were all themed differently. Some years ago they had considered to adopt kids and give the kids the empty rooms instead but after thinking it through long enough, they realized that they'd rather five different bedrooms to fuck in instead of raising kids.
"Mhm sure", Jungkook whispered, letting himself being dragged anywhere Taehyung wanted. The older had caught him in a weak moment today, when he was already naked it was too hard to resist Taehyung in a natural way. So giving in was the most fun right now.

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