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hi hello how are yall doing


It was a Friday night and it took Jungkook hours to convince his mother of letting him go outside tonight. Obviously he didn't tell her who he was meeting, she became strict with Jungkook meeting guys after she found out her son had a gay affair going on with a famous actor. So he lied and told her he was just going out with friends instead of telling her the truth about how he was actually meeting up with Mark in a bar, to have a drink while watching football together.

Well, it seemed pretty normal if you'd consider that this is was guys usually do together in their free time.

Just that Mark constantly flirted with Jungkook over text and they were meeting up in a gay bar. Just in case something between them might happening, they'd be at least in a safe place.
Now that Jungkook finally got to leave the house after promising his mother a thousand times that he would be home by midnight and promised not to drink or anything, he was on his way to the bar. Mark had texted him the address earlier so now he was trying to find it. Not having that many friends in his teenage years came along with not knowing anything about the cool hangout spots guys his age would hang out at.

So naturally, he took the wrong way about four times and ended up being more than twenty minutes late when he got there. Mark already stood outside the bar, looking unbothered.
"Good evening", Jungkook said firmly as he reached the guy. It had been a few days since they first met and he never had an actual date or something with a person he thought was attractive, so he behaved quite awkwardly.
Even though Jungkook was being the unsocial boy he always was, Mark greeted him with a big smile and pulled him in a hug, "Dude I almost got worried you wouldn't show up-"

Jungkook hugged him back, blushing a little.
"Why wouldn't I show up?"

"Who knows", Mark shrugged and then confidently intertwined their hands which got Jungkook confused all over again. Taehyung had never done that in public areas, he would just appear out of nowhere to pick him up when he got himself drunk, he'd never publicly hug him or take him anywhere by his hand.
Mark however had no shame walking into the bar and taking Jungkook over to a free table in a corner. The lights there were a little dimmed and candles were lightened while club music was playing. There was also a huge tv on the wall that would show football.
Not that Mark even planned to actually watch it, but Jungkook was still oblivious and thought that this date would end up being all innocent and sweet with nothing beyond hand holding.

That was what he was used to do with another guy in public. Well, to be exact, this was he was used to do with Taehyung by his side.

And he couldn't help but constantly think of how it would be if Taehyung would be sitting right here, next to him and still holding his hand even though a dozen of other people were around to see them. Kook's heartbeat speeded up a little just by imagining a scene like this.
"So how was your day? Did you miss me?", Mark teased the boy, softly poking his sides.

"All the time. As much as you missed me after we met, you immediately bought yourself a new phone, huh", Jungkook teased back and smiled a little shy.

"Yeah, you were quite impressive", Mark hummed, "I'm still surprised you're single with those looks-"

Jungkook nodded slowly, "Let's say I'm usually not the type to date."
"So you prefer fucking around?", Mark gasped, "Are you having like five fuckbuddies at the same time??"

"No", Jungkook squeaked out, shaking his head hurriedly. "I just lost the one boy I had to fuck with", he rolled his eyes, "So I'm quite new at all of this dating shit. Never did it before."
Mark nodded, "Fuck, boys with broken hearts are hard to love", he hummed and looked at Jungkook for quite a while. "It takes a lot to break a boy's heart, y'know."

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