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sorry for the long wait for an update. i couldn't stop myself from writing my other book bromance every day- i'll try to treat my books equally now sorry lmao


Days, weeks-, yeah even a month passed by from that day on. Jungkook had took the flight back home to Los Angeles while Taehyung stayed in Chicago for the rest of the week. It felt like an ending, but at the same time, it felt like the beginning of something bigger.
Taehyung knew that this couldn't be it. Not just like that. Therefore Jungkook had meant a little too much to the famous boy. But once he got on this plane, Taehyung finally realized that this wasn't going to be easy. Jungkook was more than just a random boy who wanted to be with Taehyung because of his looks or any other oblivious reason. Being popular came along with plenty offers how he could spend his time. Girls who sneaked their numbers in his pockets, boys who stole secret glances at him in the men's toilets. Those people were everywhere and Taehyung hated how easy it was to get them.

Jungkook being the whole opposite had something magical, something that drew Taehyung to the younger and made it impossible to forget about him.

The first week, he thought it would be fine. He went out a lot, hooked up with a few guys and then left their houses before they even woke up. All this made him get rid off the tension Jungkook had left behind. Taehyung went sightseeing, he met lots of people and hung out at Jeno's club almost every night. He had also met up with Lyza once again, talking to her really made it a lot easier since he didn't really had anyone he could call a friend.

But once he came home, things changed.

The huge house he was living in, it seemed even more empty than it had ever been, the walls scarily high and the plain white walls giving Taehyung headaches. Every morning he woke up to Rosie serving him breakfast, and Yeontan snuggling up to him. Just that none of this replaced Jungkook's grumpy morning mood with which he had pissed Taehyung off a lot but now that it was gone-, he missed it.

Jungkook was everywhere, in every guy he saw, he tried to see the smallest things he could connect to Jungkook and once someone had bunny teeth or a squeaky voice-, Taehyung always tried to find an excuse to talk to them. Then leaving after a short period of time because no one, not even close, could be what Jungkook was to him. People got so boring, more with every passing day. No one had that sparkle that Jungkook had, the boy always seemed to be glowing in confidence, his cocky attitude and the adorable face making him seem a little twisted and mysterious. Taehyung had fallen in love with every inch of the boy's body and the more he tried to find something similar in someone else, the unhappier he got.

Yet he knew, that calling Jungkook wouldn't help. It would only make things worse. Because their problems were still there and Taehyung couldn't find a solution. He would always be a celebrity, no matter what would happen. The world knew his name and even dropping his job wouldn't just make this go away. And with having everyone's attention, publicity came along about everything he did.
And there was more than just being afraid of coming out in front of everyone.
There were still his parents who would never lay an eye on him ever again if they'd find out he came out as gay to the public. No one around this country would give him a chance to prove his skills, he would not get any job, no matter how low the job seemed.
Korea wasn't a place to be gay, especially when you're a person known by the public, being judged for basically everything. If you dared to breathe in the wrong way-, people would cancel you and make your life a living hell.

And was it that bad that Taehyung was afraid of all that?
And how comes Jungkook wasn't scared at all?

He continued doing his job. The movie got filmed with another main actress after Taehyung threatened that he'd drop out if they'd let Lisa play the role she was originally assigned to. Yoongi and Taehyung did a great job and gained even more fans once their movie came out.
Jimin kept being around and with seeing him, Taehyung always thought of Jungkook and how much he missed him. It seemed to be so easy for Jimin and Yoongi to be together-, why couldn't it be the same for Taehyung and Jungkook?
Life had funny ways of showing you what could have been right in front of your eyes.

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