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Bacon, eggs and the smell of freshly cooked coffee were that kind of morning vibe Jungkook wished to get to feel every single day.
If only he hadn't had thrown up all over Taehyung last night and the memory of that just got back into his brain when he saw Taehyung sitting next to him in bed, holding a small table that was specifically made to have breakfast in bed. "Good Morning sleepyhead", he grinned, taking a sip from his coffee.

"My head hurts like shit", Jungkook grumbled, sitting up slowly.
The older pointed towards the younger's nightstand where he had placed a glass filled with cold water and some pain killers next to it. "Take those and you'll feel better", he suggested.
Jungkook sighed and then did exactly that. "Thanks, man."

"You're welcome", Taehyung said softly.
"I'm sorry for throwing up on you last night", Jungkook added shyly, "Didn't mean to get that drunk."

"It's fine", the older said, "Just know that you're not going out by yourself so soon."
"I'll never drink alcohol ever again anyway", Kook groaned, still holding his head after he dunked the whole water without stopping once. He felt as if his whole inner body was dry and drained out as if it hadn't gotten any water in years.

Plus, his tummy kept turning upside down every time he looked at the breakfast Taehyung still had placed in front of them.

"Is that for me?", Jungkook asked quietly, worried if he was even able to eat something that early in the morning with a tummy like that.

"No, that's for me", Taehyung laughed. "Rosie always makes it when I have a rough day ahead of me."

"Why didn't I get any", Jungkook pouted, crossing his arms.
"You would have if you wouldn't have thrown up all night, baby", Taehyung leaned over and gave him a kiss to his forehead. "Rosie will be here all day so once you feel like eating she'll make you whatever you want to have."

"Wait, I'm not coming with you today?", Kook asked in a small voice. "Why not?"
"It's a business day full of meetings and boring stuff. It'd be annoying for you to be around all that, just take the day off and have a nice day to yourself, alright?"

"Mhm", Jungkook said. "Fine, if you give me your Netflix password-"
"It's tannie01", Taehyung grinned.

"Oh right, where's the fluffball?", Jungkook asked, looking around because he couldn't see the little freaky dog from yesterday.
"He's currently getting his hair done", Taehyung explained. "Rosie is taking him out for that."

"Your dog is a spoiled brat."
"Just like you", Taehyung chuckled and then got up and put the breakfast aside. "You two are very much alike."

And with that he changed into business clothes and grabbed his bag full of scripts and papers.

"When will you be back?"
"Around 8pm-ish."

"That's the whole day!", Jungkook exclaimed, "I'll be so fucking bored here in this huge house all alone-"
"Welcome to my life", Taehyung sighed and then left the room to avoid further discussion.

He would've loved to take Jungkook with him all day, just to have his company throughout the boringness of business life. Yet he wasn't allowed to bring the younger, his company told him in the morning not to bring his boyfriend in today.
So what choice did Taehyung have? Right, none.


"Why is everyone looking at me like that", Taehyung grumbled after entering his company's main building. His whole team was sitting around a table, just waiting for him to arrive. "Did I get into a scandal or-"

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