Chapter 35-Hired

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Yoongi stares ahead at the big bold letters labelling the massive company building.

Is this really the place he's gonna give his interview now? Whoa.

He glances at the business card in his hand which was given to him by the manager on their meeting day, then back to the building and again at the card. The name is the same. The address too. Damn!

Yoongi sure has full confidence in his works and talent. But if by any chance, he fails to impress them, he might be losing his only opportunity.

Of course, he came full prepared, dressed up in an elegant suit holding a black classy suitcase full of best of his productions ; songs, lyrics, mixtapes, music samples etc.

He makes his way through the tight security by shoving the business card into the guards' faces. Not literally but yeah...

Even the guards there amaze him. Each of them being tall, broad, muscular and ready to fight type. Normal men could work to, but apparently the company seems to be fond of macho men.

Must be high paid.

Yoongi thinks to himself as he aimlessly wanders around the main lobby. Where does he has to go again ?

Oh! Now he remembers...

He had already contacted Mr. Lee, the manager he met in the cafe, of his arrival in the company today. Mr. Lee had reassured to have reserved an exclusive interview with him arranged with the managing director (not CEO) and the head manager of the agency.

Mr. Lee also told him to wait at one of the chairs near the reception table. He himself will come to collect him from there.

So Yoongi does. He occupies himself at one of the 'waiting chairs' in the lobby. Observing his surrounding, he gets to know it's quite a busy company. With various groups and soloists signed under them, the staff members are nearly never free.

But they also manage their schedules neatly. There doesn't seem to be any hotchpotch or confusion amongst the different parties working under this agency.

He wonders if he could meet some of his favourite rappers here.

Yoongi didn't count how many minutes went by before the familiar face of Mr. Lee comes in his sight. The said man speed walking towards him.

"Sorry for the delay Min Yoongi-sshi. I got caught up in some urgent work."

Mr. Lee explains while receiving phrases like 'No, no it okay.' or 'I should be thankful' from the smaller male beside him.

Yoongi does know how to be professional.

He guides Yoongi through the hallways and elevators all the way to the interview room. The smaller's heartbeat increasing with every second passing and every step taken.

Yoongi swears he would feel his heart thudding hard against the ribcage if he put a hand on his chest. His breathing gets heavy and heavier. Mind all focused but also concentrated.

"I think you can make it from here."

Yoongi doesn't even realise when they reached at the room with Mr. Lee already bidding his farewell and a good luck.

Leaving the male all alone in front the about-to-opened door.

He might be at his worst state now. He could literally hear his own blood being pumped at a high rate, his veins sending weird sensations all over his body. While his heads feels like it is being banged over something.

Fuck anxiety.

Yoongi grabs the handle of the door with trembling hands. Releasing a deep breath. He finally pushes open the door.

Only to reveal two scary looking fat and bearded men who are eyeing at him with such furrowed brows as if he's some intruder trespassing in their area.

But that doesn't mean Yoongi lost his professionalism. He politely greeted them as soon as he entered, bowing a bit for extra respect.

He looks so calm and collected from the outer appearance, while on the inside he could actually be screaming. But who wouldn't? When you literally have two people in front of you who might or might not be able to change the rest of your life and future in this one exact moment. So it's definitely natural for a person to get some high pressure. Be it mental pressure or blood pressure. Or both.

To Yoongi's surprise, the two men's scary ass faces instantly turn into smiling ones. Maybe pleased from Yoongi's politeness.

One of them gestures Yoongi to sit at the chair across the desk, directly facing them from the opposite side.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Min, let's start our official interview now, erm..would you like something?"

"No please. Thank you for your consideration."

Yoongi tried his best to be act as formal as he possibly could. But he was pleasantly shocked to see the two males, head manager and managing director being all natural with him.

They weren't scary as they seemed to be. Instead, they talked in a quite friendly manner. Putting up formal as well as casual questions. They seemed to be trying to easen the thick atmosphere prevailing in the room.

Yoongi could find himself getting comfortable with them after some time. Confident rose in him. And he lightheartedly gave serious answers to all their questions. It didn't look like an interview anymore, more like a casual chat of skill and music.

Then it was Yoongi's turn to display his pieces of work. He plays one of his self written, self composed, self produced and self rapped mixtapes in the system he brought along.

The two men keenly listen, without uttering a word. As if examining each and every detail a hundred times in their heads.

They had got till the middle of the song, before the entry door suddenly slammed open–

"That's some great quality music playing here!"

Yoongi watches a weirdly dressed up male walk in the room clapping his hands.


Short rushed chapter but yeah :/ Expanding would only produce unnecessary scenes. Anyways~

Someone finally makes an appearance! I know y'all know who it is ;)
It's obvious, yeah?

Thank you for reading❤❤❤

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