Chapter 38-Storage Room

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"Oh my god Yoongi just look at this lovely picture of my lil Yunki do you know how cute it meows?!?!"

Nothing more than a simple nod is received from the said male as Jimin continuously shoves his phone in the other's face. The full bright screen displaying pictures after pictures of a small white feline. You could say the redhead became overly excited after receiving a new pet as a gift.

So much that he wouldn't stop talking about it since morning. An already exhausted Yoongi had no option other than to listen to the tales of what unforgettable memories their bond made just within a span of two days. But above all, he felt more than relieved when Jimin had cheerfully accepted the cat without any hesitation.

Yoongi wasn't even going to ask why he named it Yunki in the first place.

Gosh..he must really like him. For someone with such high living standards like Jimin, would surely not want to take in a random stray animal as pet. But seeing how whipped the younger can be, Yoongi knew boi ain't gonna refuse. And so was true. What else could make Jimin happier than receiving a gift from Yoongi?? A cute kitten as pet?? A pet that resembles Min Yoongi?? While Yoongi himself presented it to him in a beautiful wrap-covered straw basket??

Yep. And Yoongi thought himself to be the thankful one.

Jimin is a genuinely nice human. Yoongi likes him and his personality. But the older can't help getting annoyed whenever the younger starts being too clingy. Like now,

All the teachers just finished a meeting. They are collecting up their documents and preparing to proceed to their respective classes they need to teach. Yes. Both Yoongi and Jimin don't have any classes this period but that doesn't mean they, at least the older would be free.

"This one! This one! I took this one after cleaning it's poop yesterday."

"Ughh..okay. Don't you have servants to clean up?"

Yoongi replies in a half-tired, half-disgusted tone while getting up from the chair now that he had collected all his material. He is surely not very interested but Jimin can be just so random..

"Ahh I could let them, but it's..I want to raise my Yunki myself. Cherish every moment with it."

As if an overly dramatic tone isn't enough, the redhead shoots a wink too right at the older who stood right beside him. What is he trying to suggest? Maybe not.

"And do y-"

"Let's talk later Jimin. I'm going to my office."

" got to do something?"

"Not really. But I'm quite tired."

There are still some teachers present in the room. Yoongi looks up from the file folder in his hands, seeing Jimin stare at him with a confused face.

"I didn't sleep at all last night."

He clarifies before the younger could open his mouth to question. But Jimin's face instead becomes more puzzled at the answer.

"Why though?"

"Hoseok threw a party. I couldn't say no."

"WHAT?!?" Jimin's exclaimed yell draws a few looks of attention by nearby people, who soon look away as the redhead lowers his voice.
"Why didn't you guys invite me huh?"

"It was like a get together with some old friends. Not everyone could come."

The pale teacher shrugs as if said the most obvious thing ever. And Jimin decided to keep his mouth rather shut since the heavy eyebags under Yoongi's eyes are clearly visible. This is also explains why older has been constantly rubbing his eyes, looking drowsy and worn-out out all day.

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