Chapter 26-Bully

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"Your friend isn't here yet ?"
I shake my head and sit down on the bench near my aunt.

I had been searching for hyungie since we came here but he is nowhere to be found. He is probably still at his home. I turn my head towards the apartment he lives in. He could be seeing me from his balcony.....

Maybe not.

My aunt notices how I am blankly staring at the tall building. "Don't you have any other friends ?" She speaks again, more softly this time. But I don't respond.

This is true though. I play only with hyung everyday so I forgot to make new friends. He usually comes before me anyways.
I start to look around and....There! Some older kids are making castles at the sandpit. I can make friends with them. :)

"I'm going to play with those boys." I tell my aunt. She nods smiling. My aunt is really sweet and cares a lot about me.

I run over to the sandpit. There are about 4-5 boys here. Soooo many friends. YAY!!!

What should I say to them though ?
Oh I know!
"Excuse me, Can I play with you too ?" I politey say to them.

They all turn towards me......and start laughing. Weird. Do I have something on my face ?

"What is it?" I ask them and they are now laughing louder.
Perhaps, thats their style of saying yes.
I join them and laugh out as well, 😂 even louder than them.

They all frown immediately . Is this a game or what. Should I too ?
I frown with them.
"Hey! Stop repeating us you funky chunky monkey." One of them shouts.

He called me a monkey. He called me a monkey. He called me- Rude!

"I'm not a monkey !" I yell at them and they grin. One of them steps forward. "What do you want from us?" He says, holding his soccer ball to his waist.
They don't seem friendlyヽ(`⌒')ノ.
"I j-just wants to be friends.. " I reply, my index fingers touching each other.

"Friends? With us? Haha." "This boy thinks we'd make friends with him. So funny." "It's no lie though that he looks like a monkey."
They are talking bad things about me amongst themselves. Bad mouthing is so mean... I feel like leaving.

The 'leader' of them come towards me and--OUCH! He threw his soccer ball lightly at my chest, picking it up again as it fell. "Go away kid ! We don't play with toddlers."
They're such meanies! I won't talk to them anymore now.

I walk away from there. Should I complain about them to my aunt ? But I don't feel like being around anyone right now. I want to be alone.
So I go to one of the swings to enjoy my lonely ride.

I slowly sit down on the seat, kicking the ground with both legs so the ride swings back.
I can't help but think about what happened just now. They're so bad. I just wanted to be friends and they were treating me like garbage.

I move my legs back and forth to increase the speed of the swing.
It's... it's actually so fun. I better clear the thoughts about them and focus on this fun ride. Swing is my favorite now!!! \(○^ω^○)/
I swing my legs harder.

Well..its going too fast. I don't want to feel dizzy. I lower down the speed.
Perfect now.
I hear some footsteps. Is hyungiee coming--

"Aaaah!!!!" I scream as I suddenly fall down the swing.
Oww..... My knees hurt. How could I just fall down like that ?

"Hey kid."
This familiar voice. I turn around, only to see those bad people. Could it be that they...
"Did-Did you p-push me down ?" I manage to speak out and they laugh their ugly and unpleasant laughs again.

"So what if we did ?" The leader pulls his tongue out.
The others continuing, "This is OUR playing area." "Yes. You should leave and never come back. Only we are allowed to play here." I hopelessly stand in front of them, not knowing what to do.
"Didn't you listen ? Go or we will beat you." Their leader barks.

This is not what I wanted. Why are they doing this to me ? What did I ever do to them ? What should I do...its the first time someone is treating me like this. Can't we all be friends and happily play together ? I wish my hyungie would be here.
They're coming towards me. Are they going to hit me. No. I can't even run, my knees hurt. No. Someone please help.

"Stop you all."

Huh ? This loud must be HYUNGIEE!
He is here. I knew he would come. He is standing near the park entrance.
All the boys froze as they heard him, soccer ball dropping from the hand. Do they know each other ?

He screeches at them,"Stop bullying my friend."
Bullying? That is a new word for me. I wonder what it means.

"Isn't he the boy from your apartment." One of the boy says to the leader who has a nervous expression on his face. "The one with the scary father." Another one speaks up.

Hyung is rushing up to me.

The frozen leader moves from his place, collecting his ball and turning to his friends. He finally talks, "Guys, let's not mess with him. We don't know what his parents could do to us."
With that being said, he and his friends walk away from the place, hyung staring angrily at them as they go.

Wow. Hyungie is so powerful. People get scared just by his presence. I'm so lucky to be his friend.
"Sorry, I'm late. Are you okay ?" He worriedly questions me while helping me get up from the ground.

I smile as a reply. "Wait. Let me wipe those tears for you." He pulls out a handkerchief and gently rubs over my cheeks. I didn't realize I had been crying. "You didn't tell me if you were okay or not." "I think I am. But my knees hurt."

He observes my knees and wipes the dust off them. It hurts while he does so.
"Your left knee is bleeding. But don't worry. I got something."
My knee is bleeding.. no wonder why it hurt so much.
He searches his pockets and pulls out a bandage. "Let me stick it over wound." I nod and let him to do so. He is so smart and prepared. I really am lucky to have him.

After he's done, he asks me if I could walk or not. I try doing it and yes I can! Thankfully.
But there is still something I need to know.

"Hyung, can I ask something ?" "Go ahead." "What is bullying? I heard you using this word. "Bullying is....what those boys were doing to you." "What they were doing to me?" "Yes. They were misbehaving with you. A person who does bullying is called a bully, bullies if it's more than one person." "Mhm.. I understood."
"So... " He continues, "If you ever feel like you are being bullied, you can always tell me. I will be there for you." "Always ?"
"Thank you hyung. You are the best !"

I jump to hug him tight and we both giggle.
I really love hyungie soooo much.


Stream Eight, Suga x Iu collaboration.

By the way, are any of you in a group chat ?
.....Just asking.

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