Chapter 14-Best Friend

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Warning!!! Slight angst

Third person p.o.v

Yoongi had been giving judging looks to the 'love birds' until they disappeared around the corner causing Yoongi to pout and Hoseok noticed.

Hoseok knew better than anyone else why Yoongi gets pissed at seeing people all lovey-dovey.

Yoongi's highschool days weren't so pleasant in this category.

Its not that Yoongi had been single forever. Although he wasn't so popular, he did experience or rather regretted dating.


He made his first girlfriend when he was in his second year of high school. The girl was his crush who only pitied and gave him a chance to which Yoongi couldn't sustain the relationship due to his girlfriend's high standards and expectations.

Yoongi was sad as the one whom he had been in love with since middle love broke up with him just like that. But again, he understood that you can't force someone to love you back. And got over her soon.


After few weeks a senior girl herself confessed to him.

Yoongi was delighted but HOLY HELL! She was no more than a hoe who just wanted to get straight to bed.

Yoongi was 17 when he lost his virginity to her. It was his first and only time he did it. And it went terrible.

His girlfriend left him the next day by claiming that Yoongi wasn't satisfactory for her.

He wanted to say so much to the girl but he thought such a hoe who only loves people for fucking didn't deserve his time anymore.


It was lastly in third year of highschool when Yoongi again felt attraction for someone and she asked him out.

But it never felt like a relationship to Yoongi. She refused to go on dates or spend time with him. Even though they were together, Yoongi would always feel lonely.

Then one day, Yoongi saw it all. Yeah, the reason why she was so indifferent. Yoongi caught her making out with another man. She had been cheating on him.

On questioning, she said one of meanest things ever. Yoongi remembers those words that still leave him empty on recalling.

"You looked hot while playing basketball so I decided to go out with you. But fuck! I regret it now....... You don't have any manly features. Just look at your fucking body, no abs, no muscles. Ha ! Your skinny pale body as well as your pretty face is just so non-masculine. Too feminine in fact. Ur just a damned weakass who can't even lift up his girlfriend in his arms. Fuck you! So fragile, you think you can ever protect your girl ? Can you ? Hell no. A big cross ! I bet you'll never get a girl to love you. Hehehe. I wanted to do it much before but now I'm breaking up with you!!!!!"

Yoongi was so overwhelmed by this. He had never felt so insulted before. He didn't make a sound, but tears were endlessly flowing out his eyes.

But soon, a rage of anger rose like fire inside him. Without speaking anything, he attacked the bitch and broke her nose.
He then started rapping in front of her. Cursing and dissing the bitch as much and as fast as he could.

But her words did leave a deep impact on him. He fell in prey of anxiety and depression.


Yoongi's mental conditions didn't improve, only worsened as time passed by.

The feelings that he held in during his first two break ups burst out in him as well. Suffering 3 heart breaks was just too much to bear.

It was as his faith in love was shaken. He never wanted to repeat his mistakes again and gradually distanced himself from everyone.

He developed a mentality that all the couples are just fake and don't really love one another. Seeing people lovey-dovey disgusted him.

Thinking about his exes gave him more and more mental pain.
Their words would haunt Yoongi every night.

Yoongi slowly started to hate himself for being skinny, pale, small and fragile. So much that he even regretted being born.

His negative thoughts were gradually destroying Yoongi and that affected a lot on his health.

He didn't express his feelings to anyone. So they never knew what all he was going through.

He put all his feelings in music to write and compose songs.

His friends were in different classes so they didn't even notice how Yoongi had suddenly become so cold, scary and emotionless ; as claimed by his classmates.

Yoongi wanted to do so many times but he didn't have the courage to take his own life. He just wanted each day to finish quickly, each year to pass by fast, his life to end soon.

Although he was broken, deep inside he did want love, true love.


That was, until he shifted to Seoul with his family after graduation.

All his mental conditions were cured when he met the beam of sunshine, his hope;everyone's hope, J-hope.

Yoongi never felt the need of a lover in his life again after meeting Hoseok. A friend like him valued much more than a stupid girlfriend.

Yoongi had someone who doesn't judge him, who doesn't insult him, who doesn't hurt him, who doesn't use him, who doesn't play with his feelings.

But rather someone, who makes him smile, who brings hope in his life, who brightens his each day, who gives him all the love and support he needs.

Being with Hoseok, Yoongi gained lots of confidence and self esteem. He began to love himself for who he is.

Both of them truly loved one another, as friends ofc. Their bromance was and is stronger than any romantic couple.

They were sometimes sarcastic to each other and tried to find an opportunity to pull a leg. But always wished the best for the other.


Since Yoongi has got over his past, Hoseok encourages him to get in a relationship a lot. He wants Yoongi to find his true love.

But Yoongi still isn't mentally prepared to fall in love.


Present day

"So hyung, do you know, day after tomorrow a parent-teacher meeting is held in school ?"

"What ? Why do I not about this ?" Yoongi was definitely shocked. The hell he'd have to face now.

"Whoa you seriously don't know about it ?" Hoseok seemed concerned.

Yoongi thinks something before speaking, "Ji-Jimin did say about some event coming up..but Ugh! That bitch just left without telling."

Yoongi turns to Hoseok, "Hey..what do I have to do ?" Yoongi's voice showed worry.

Hoseok just smiles, "Chill Hyung ! Just talk about your students to their parents."

"Is it that easy ?"

"Piece of cake."

"What if they cross-question or something I don't know how to answer ?"

"It should be fine. Besides you can your stress out by complaining Lol."

"Oh well. We'll see."


There wasn't much of a plot here except the last part. This chapter just displayed more about Yoongi's past negative feelings and Hobi's importance in his life.

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