Always Running. (349)

Start from the beginning

The door to the infirmary is wide open when I get there and sure enough Michonne is there with a very serious look on her face. She stands still in the door way with Wren anxious at her side. Alex sits up on the small hospital bed while Siddiq checks her. I scan the room for Magna and the others but they're nowhere to be seen.

I knock on the door and all heads turn quickly to face me.
"Do you mind if I come in?" I ask, looking only at Alex.
She nods politely and then I look to Siddiq for confirmation but of course he smiles welcomingly.

"Uh, I heard you had another-"
"Meltdown?" Alex finishes for me.
I shrug, approvingly and Michonne flashes me a cold glare.
"Episode." Siddiq corrects her.
"Episode? I tore the house to shreds and nearly killed my own brother."
"Normal day, huh?" The sarcasm leaks out of my mouth before I can stop myself and even I cringe but Michonne lifts her hand to smack the back of my head.

"You'll have to excuse Madison. She has a tendency to say the wrong things at the wrong time." She growls.
Thankfully, Alex just laughs.
"That wasn't you Alex." Wren comforts her.
"It was part of me."

An awkward silence fills the air and I think of some way to fill it but Michonne is probably right. If I open my mouth I would definitely make this situation worse.

"Why are you here Madison?" Michonne sighs.
"I was just wondering where Magna, Kelly, Yumiko, Connie and Luke are?" I ask, looking to Siddiq.
He nods uncomfortably.
"Yeah, well, I know you were trying to rest after those few days but I was finding it hard to juggle between work and watching them but they're not bad people. I trust them and I left them in a house and they promised to stay there."

"That wasn't your call to make! You're job is to watch them like a hawk." Michonne says, harshly.
"It's my fault. I should've been there to help. It won't happen again." I promise her.

"I'll take over the next shift right now but first, I just want to chat with Siddiq for a minute." I inform them.
Siddiq's eyes light up curiously.
"Well, I was just gonna walk Alex and Wren home. Do you mind waiting a few minutes?"
I shake my head and take a seat on the bottom of the hospital bed.

Alex climbs off the bed and joins her brother. Michonne leads the way outside and Siddiq closes the door behind them. I sit quietly in the now empty room. My eyes scan along the posters and books on the wall as I try to pass the time.

These books must be what Siddiq studies from. Probably what he wants me to study from. I remember the job offer he gave me and how desperate he was for me to take it. I feel bad that I've barely given it any thought but I've already got enough on my plate.

My eyes jump from poster to poster and just like the last day, my eyes stop at one in particular. A pregnancy poster.
I'm not sure why it struck me before but now I just feel uneasy seeing it for a second time.

I feel like almost every woman at some point had a pregnancy scare before they were ready for their own family, so every woman has had the same nervous, jittery feeling in their stomach when they think too far into it. My mind races too as I stare at the poster.
Silly! You're just being silly!

I look away from the poster but my eyes automatically jump to the ultrasound scanner bundled up neatly in the back of the room, probably collecting dust at this stage. I sigh in frustration.
This is what happens when people leave me alone, I drive myself crazy!

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