Alby Imagine

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"Oh good work Frypan!" You smiled at the boy "It smells wonderful!" You said grabbing a plate for yourself and Alby taking it out to the tables where many of the boys had already began to eat. You put a plate down in front of Alby, setting yourself up opposite him and next to Chuck. You ruffled Chuck's curly hair. "How was your day dear?" You asked Alby.

"As good as it ever is in this shucking maze" he muttered, you looked from Alby to Chuck hoping he hadn't heard.

"Language." You said sternly. Alby rolled his eyes.

"The boy's old enough or else he wouldn't be here, aren't ya?" Chuck nodded eagerly, as if he had something to prove. "He may be a greanie but I ain't going easy on him"

"He's only a kid"

"Yes, love" He replied shoving food into his mouth hoping to end the conversation. It was your turn to roll your eyes. You ate happily together until there was a crash of plates and yells. Minho and Gally were brawling. Again. "Your turn" Alby told you mouth still full of food. You sighed rising from the table. You made your way over to the fighting boys and stood, hands on hips.

"Cut it out" You yelled. "Now" The boys continued to brawl. You groaned, they were such a pain sometimes no matter how much you loved them.

"Oi! Listen to Y/N!" Alby shouted appearing beside you. The boys stopped, looking up at you. Minho jumped off Gally giving him one last kick while he gave you his best 'innocent' face. Gally crossed his arms, he face was sulky. At least now they were listening.

"You two are on dishes" You smiled. They boys groaned while the others sniggered. "Now apologise" The pair muttered quiet apologies and then separated.

"I like when you're in charge" Alby smiled wrapping an arm round your waist.

"I'm always in charge" you smirked, standing on tip toes to kiss his cheek. Alby gave a chuckle and smiled down at you.

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