You Don't Know He Likes You(Newt)

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For about the fourth time that day, you shake out your hair and tie it back into a pathetic ponytail. Being out in the blistering heat and tough environment of the Glade everyday isn't doing much for your hair, not that you care much about it anyway.

"Ugh, this hair will be the shucking death of me!" you complain, picking up your knife and going back to the Garden work that your unruly hair interrupted.

A laugh from behind you causes you to turn around and see your fellow Glader, Newt. A few butterflies arouse in your stomach as you see his smiling face. Ever since you've arrived in this confusing place, he's held most of your attention.

"Of all the bloody things to worry about dying from in this place," he chuckled. "And by the way, I think your hair looks really nice."

You laughed too, but the compliment bounced off. Newt had always been one to say nice things to anyone, just to make them feel better.

"Thanks, Newt," you said, turning back to your work. "See you around."

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Newt nod and head the other direction, tripping over his feet as he did so. Your chuckling is interrupted by Minho running up to you, an annoyed look on his face.

"I saw every bit of that, and I'm about to freaking throw up," he says, rolling his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" you ask, clearly confused.

"Newt!" he explained. "He really likes you. Are you that blind?"

A smile unexpectedly creeps onto your face, and butterflies erupt again. "He really does?" you ask, dumbfounded.

"He told me not to tell you, but I'm not sitting around and watching all this hinting klunk anymore."

"Oh, well...thanks for telling me," you said, still smiling. Dropping your shovel, you head in the direction Newt had headed off to. You soon find him walking around the Deadheads aimlessly.

"Newt!" you call, catching up to him. He turns and opens his mouth to speak.


Before you even know what you're doing, you've reached him and pressed your lips to his. After the initial shock has passed, Newt kisses you back and wraps his arms around your waist. The feeling you receive his lips against yours make you pissed at yourself for never making a move.

Much too soon for you, he pulls away, eyes widened. "What was that for?" he asked, his sweet accent filling the air.

You grinned, embarrassedly. "Minho told me everything. Trust me, I feel the same way," you explained.

A blush appears on his cheeks as he pulls you in for another kiss.

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