Save You

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He had hated the idea ever since you first brought it up, not even two weeks after waking up in the Glade. Instantly taking a like to the dark haired boy, you followed him around learning the ropes. At first he found it annoying, he had better things to do than lead the newbie around, though unlike the other shucks in this place, you were different, refreshing. And despite his fighting against it, you had him wrapped around your finger. Wether you actually knew it or not. He just couldn't say no. Which is why he kicked himself, yet again, for allowing the thought of you becoming a runner become a reality. Torn, he let you in, not straying from your side.

Though today, he wished with all of his might that you hadn't. Because you wouldn't be out here, with him, unconscious and bleeding out in his very arms. No! He tightened his jaw. He was not giving up. Struggling, he stood up, carefully shifting you around not to injure you any further. Then he started running, quicker than he had ever before in his life. Quicker than when a Griever was hot on his trail.

Gasping, he dropped to the ground as soon as he passed through the doors, alarming the others with his yell.

"Someone get the med-jacks!" Looking down, he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. "It's going to be okay."


"Come on." He mumbled, where he was pacing back and forth, unable to sit still. The normally calm second in command was minutes from full on panicking.

"Don't worry, they'll be here." Chuck broke through his thoughts, ever so positive. He couldn't handle it today, snapping his head around he glared.

"Slim it Chuck!" He hissed, faltering a little at the shocked look on his face. Sighing, he took a deep breath trying to calm himself.

"I'm sorry." Chuck didn't respond, though his face grew a bit softer. Once again, it grew silent and he returned his gaze back to the maze where his heart was currently lost, somewhere.

"Look! There they are!" At the sound of his voice, the blonde jumped back on his feet and stood beside him. Relief filled him, as he spotted Minho and Thomas grinning faces, and then you slightly behind them.

"Cutting it bloody close are we." He shook his head as they came to a stop, crouching on the ground. A shriek reached his ears, and he turned his head to see one of the most horrible things he could imagine. Tears streaming down your face, you were splayed on the ground, gripping your leg. Though it was nothing compared to the sound he heard next, a boom echoing, as the doors started to move. No!

Before he realized what he was doing, he was sprinting to your form, breathing harshly as he came to a stop.

"Come on." He urged, wrapping an arm around your waist and hosted you up into a standing position. Experimentally, you took a step forward, and hissed, starting to fall down again but he tightened his grip on you.

"I got you." He spoke softly, carrying you bridal style and took off, like it was life or death. As a matter of fact it was. Barely making it, feeling the scrapes on his arms and back, he managed to squeeze through, the doors slamming shut behind him as he collapsed, unable to stand any longer.

"Newt." All thoughts of pain, vanished the instant he heard your whisper, looking down on you. "You saved me."

"Always." He smiled, giving you a peck.


"Tommy!" He spun around at the sound of your voice, just in time to see you starting to slip from the vine you were desperately trying to hang on to.

"Hang on." He moved quickly, climbing down, though he wasn't fast enough. Your shriek pierced through his heart as he watched the ivy escape your hands and you started to fall, flailing helplessly.

With seconds of planning, he let go, and followed you down. Gripping on to your arms when he reached you, spinning around before hitting the solid ground.

"Ouff." He groaned, the startling shock of realizing he was still alive, was replaced by worry as you remained still on top of him. Holding his breath, he slowly lifted himself up, wincing at the movement. It wasn't a time to be a sissy.

"Hey, wake up." He pleaded, shaking your body. Nothing.

"Come on please, wake up." He breathed, placing a kiss on your lips, excited when he felt your lips move and he pulled back, in time to see those beautiful eyes open.

"Hey beautiful. How are you?"

"Bad." You groaned, and it still was the most amazing sound he ever heard.

"Okay, we gotta get back. Do you think you can walk?". You didn't answer simply closed your eyes, which told him plenty enough. "Okay, nice and easy now." Using all the strength he could muster, he hosted himself up, gripping you tightly in his arms. Then he started walking, for what seemed like an eternity. His legs was about to give in any second, but he gritted his teeth and willed himself to push forward. Not exhaling until he saw the familiar sight of the opening, and the gladers standing there waiting.

"Well, are you just going to stand there and ogle, or are you bloody going to give me a hand?"

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