Chapter 3

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Later my stepsister showed up for the weekend.
"Hi everyone, I'm back for the weekend." Violet walks in the house. I wonder why she never stays on campus on weekends.

"Hey Violet." I say and grab a water bottle from the fridge. Violets greet my parents and my brothers. "Where's Drew by the way?" My heart skips a beat since she just mentioned it. I have hiccups all of a sudden.

"Don't you know where he lives?" Daniel says.

"Well yeah I just thought he might be here. Since his always here." Violet says.

"Well as you can see his not here." Daniel say and get up to leave.

"Woah, Woah, Woah calm down here. What's going on with you?" Bert ask.

"I don't know what's going on you?" Daniel say.

"Hey, that's no way to answer." Mom says.

"Sure I can he's not my dad." Daniel says.

"Daniel, what the fuck?" Chris speaks up.

"Is it me or is it something else if it's me I can totally leave." Violet says.

"Oh yeah you leave and take your dad with you if you can." Daniel says. This is getting way out of hands.

Chris gets up and punch Daniel across his face then he fall on the ground. What the fuck is happened.

"You know what, fuck you." Daniel gets up and walk upstairs to his room.

I'm still very confused to what's happening to right now. Daniel has this thing if something bothering him he gets mad at anybody.

Everyone all a sudden stays quiet in silence to what just happened. Upstairs the only noise I hear is Daniel shutting his door with a loud bang.

My mom walks over to Bert and pat his back. We all still shocked to what just happened.

"Everyone let's just forget about tonight okay and Welcome home Violet." My mom say.

Violet grabs her bags and head upstairs.
Violets and I share a room mostly on weekends and holidays ever since she's been away for college.


The next day it's Saturday I slept in since I don't have school. It's now just almost 11 o'clock. Violet is all dressed up really different in tight jeans and a tight shirt. I wonder where she's going.

"I'm going to Drew's house." She Applied more lipstick to her lips. She has this kind of shimmer makeup looks.  "To Drew's place, looking like that?" I ask her.

"He is my old friend from high school and I've really liked him. I don't know I think I'm ready for us to start a relationship or something if his into me." Violet says.

"Oh." My voice suddenly low.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." I look up at her.

"Alright which shoes should I go with this classy one these cute one I got them on sale."

"I don't know." I get up and walk out.

I mean I knew Violet and Drew were close since high school but I didn't think she was that close with him.

A little later in the afternoon Drew still haven't came over. I mean Violet is here now I should probably go over to his place and see what's up with him.

"Mom, I'll be back I'm heading to the convenient store." I say and walk out.

I go behind Drew's house instead of the front so I don't have to explain myself to Drew's parents. It's almost dark outside. I see Drew's light is on still and his window is half open. I look inside and Drew is on his laptop studying on his desk.

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