Chapter 31

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After driving for a while, Drew stopped the car
somewhere with really nice houses actually really big ones.

"Why'd you stop here?" I ask him.

"This is our stop." He says then he went and parked in front of this beautiful home. It's lovely, the grass is well maintained and it's beautiful, there's flowers up front and there's a really nice fountain. This house looks rich.

Drew stayed silent after parking without saying anything to me. I wait for him a little. He looks nervous all of a sudden.

"Drew you okay?" I asked him. He stayed silent and doesn't say anything to me at all. This is actually making me nervous as well. I hope his everything's okay him.

"My grandmothers in there." He said.

"Your grandmother?"

"She's been sick, I have been coming over her for a while now. You probably won't remember her since it's been so long since you last seen her at my fathers funeral 10 years ago."

Drew never likes talking about his and this is really new to me. Drew father had past away about 10 years ago from a stroke. It's been such a sensitive topic for him. I can't remember much how it went down but I can remember some parts to it actually.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." I hold his hand.

Suddenly Drew started sobbing. I never seen this side of him before.

"My grandmother she contacted me about a years ago and I never went to her. I was mad at my dad's family for abandoning my mom and I. After the funeral, I never seen her again. That tiny house my mom and I shared which looks the worst in our neighborhood was all they left us. Now I feel worst because I don't have much time left with her."

"I'm really sorry, and shhh don't cry," I hold on to him. I grabbed some tissues trying to wipe his tears away. I would have never thought at all this was happening.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you this yet."
I grab him gently rubbing his back as he leans onto my shoulder.

"It's okay and thank you for sharing this with me."

I know this was hard for him to tell me. I'm feeling closer to him than I ever have. We hugged for a while and I stop hearing him crying for a moment. Slowly he pulled away from me.

"Do you want to go see her?" Drew speak up looking at me this time. He placed a kiss on side of my cheeks.

"If you let me," I tell him.

"Let's go," he said getting out of the car.

We walked to the house holding hands together. Drew ringed the doorbell, not a moment has gone by someone opened the door. I see a woman in her aprons. She looks like she's in her middle age years. She has this motherly smile she gives us.

"Andrew, it's so nice to have you back please come on in," She says.

"Thank you," Drew said waking in the house with me.

"And who might this be?" She ask in such a nice voice.

"This is Jade, my girlfriend, Jade this is Julia." Drew introduce us.

"It's nice meeting you Jade," Julia hold her hand for me to shake. I take and we exchange a smile.

"Nice meeting you too."

"Well you two are a lovely couple." I blushed at what she said. She's so nice.

"You're grandmother been waiting for you Drew. She's been asking for you all morning," Julia said.

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