Chapter 46

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The next day, I'm at Lizzie's place getting ready with the things we already brought from yesterday. I won't be attending with Drew to my prom because of this stupid age difference but this morning he texted me saying he had a date prepared for us after my prom.

"So you know how I asked Daniel to come fix my car yesterday?" Lizzie ask me while she's applying makeup on my face.


"Apparently turns out something was wrong with my car."


"Yeah, he took my car this morning and said he'd look at it in the garage he works at and I was like how will I get home from tomorrow, he said he'd pick me up after prom with my car."

"Wow that's really nice of him."

I know Daniel, and Daniel isn't always this nice.

"Yeah I thought so too."

"I didn't hear from you after yesterday, what happened?" Lizzie ask me.

"Hmmm nothing I just went to bed." I lie to her.

"You met with Drew and went to bed?"

I cleared my throat.


"Jade Henson, did it finally happen yesterday?"

"Fine yes." I decided to her instead. There's no point of hiding from Lizzie anyway.

"Jade is no longer Virgin Mary." Lizzie jumped up and down being excited.

"Gosh you're too much."

"So was it good?"


She squeal with excitement after I said that.

"Did you use protection? I would hate for you to get pregnant on you're first time."

"Oh my god Lizzie you need to hurry up and finish my makeup."

"Alright, alright just be careful."

"We are."

After I was done with makeup and hair I slip into my satin red slit dress. I look at myself in the mirror and I can't believe it's me in this type of dress.

"Um I think red is your color Jade." Lizzie says.


"No really don't ever stop fucking wearing red."

I end up laughing at what she just said. I feel as though I'll be on the spotlight tonight.

"Thanks Lizzie."

Lizzie had gone with a long golden slit dress. I find her dress is just as pretty as mine. She definitely knows what makes her look good.

"Hello?" We hear a long a knock coming through Lizzie's door.

"Yes?" Lizzie answered but that yes was more like asking who's there.

"Lizzie it's me, can I come in?" I hear a mans voice.

"Dad?" Lizzie opened the door.

"Dad what are you doing here?" Lizzie ran up to him and hug him like crazy.

"I came to see you of course."

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