Chapter 15

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I look at my phone calendar to see I have about 9 weeks left till I turn 18. I'm not sure we'll be able to announce it right away or later on. I'm worried they'd get mad and find out we've been dating while I was still a minor. I hope that day comes soon. It's been so hard to hold back with him and he doesn't really want to try anything with me other than kissing and holding hand and hugs. I understand that really, it's just the type to keep a secret most person I share my secret with is Lizzie. Lizzie I trust her.

While laying down on bed, I see Violet walks in our room. All I see is tears in her eyes. As much I'd want to feel bad I also don't. I know that's kinda of a mean though but Violet isn't considerate for me much either. We never really have a good sister connection bond I wanted with her. She felt more like someone I had to get along with just because but we never have any sort of connection. I'm never comfortable as I am with Lizzie with Violet.

"Hey Violet are you okay?" I ask her and she just cries even more. I kinda am useless at this point. I really don't know how to comfort people in these situations when they crying.

"No, I just got rejected in front of all of you and I never thought he'd react like that." Violet says.

"Does he like someone else I don't know about or what? It doesn't matter anyway I'm already rejected." Violet sits on her bed.

"You're pretty there's plenty of fish in the sea for you."

"Ugh I hated when you say stuff like that. Drew was the only person I ever wanted now I get rejected by him it really feels like nothing matters right now."

"It might feel terrible right now but I think you can get over it." Violet says.

"I can't stay here for today or for tomorrow. I'm going back to campus." Violet stands up to grab her bag. She starts opening her her drawers and put things in her bags.

"Violet come on, it's already 4, by the time you get there's it's going to be really dark. Stay the night go back in the morning."

"If I leave now, I'll make there by there by 6 o'clock, I'm leaving." Violet said looking at her phone time. I stand up and grabbed her bag from.

"You just going to leave like that. Come on, wait till the morning. You know how your dad feels about you driving all the way there when it's dark."

"It's fine, I'm an adult, now let go of my bag please. I have to leave. I shouldn't of come home this weekend anyway I had to study a lot for exams soon."

I let go of her bag and watch her pack her bags instead. She's really leaving earlier than she suppose to because she got rejected. I know she'll probably going to get over it. Violet a lot of time is headstrong so she will end doing something.

"Are you really leaving?" I ask her. She stays silent ignoring me and keep putting clothes in her bag. She zips her bag then grabbed her other bag and make her way out of the room.

I really don't know what I'm suppose to do at this point. I guess leaving maybe best for her to leave if she doesn't want to run into Drew or anything.

I guess my mom will be able to see her on her way out at least. I'm not really feeling out running after her especially after that attitude I just received from her.

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