Chapter 29

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When I arrived home from Drew's house, in the dinning room I see my mom and Bert sitting there. Violet is in the living room reading a book. I do feel a little awkward and nervous around them since my mom seems to not like Drew anymore.

"Hi," I say out loud as I walk in.

"Hey." Bert the only person that answered me. My mother she's not even looking at me at all. She's almost making me feel shameful for what I'm doing. The truth is I'm not ashamed. I'm actually alright with everything I'm doing.

"I'll be upstairs." I tell them to avoid my mom since she doesn't seem to want to talk to me.

"Jade, I just wanted to ask you just, why?" My mom finally said something.

"Why? what?" I asked her.

"Why? I'm asking again," She says.

"I don't know what you mean by why, but if you talking about Drew, I will tell you that because I love him."

"You knew Violet liked him I mean why on earth would you?" My mom asked. Instead of answering her I'm actually laughing at what she's saying right now this is actually priceless.

"Why are you laughing?" My mom asked.

"For so many reasons, this is actually funny really, it really is." I tell her. Her saying Violet liking Drew first is funny. I've liked Drew before my mother even met Bert. While laughing a pen came flying right into my forehead.

"Wow you really are a little bitch." Violet tell me.

"Violet!" Bert yelled at her.

"Well I'm sorry your pathetic little crush didn't work out but you can't be putting that on me."

"Jade, stop this." My mom says.

"Who started it first mom?" I asked her.

"You don't understand what she's going through right now."

"Why are you worrying about her anyway? I'm your daughter. Maybe you don't understand what I'm going through right now. And you know what I was laughing because I'm the one that should be explaining that I like Drew for the longest now and I should also tell you that I like Drew before you even met Bert." I tell them.

"What are you talking about?" My mom asked.

I don't care if people think it was some childish crush I had a long time ago that I should of probably gotten over it but the truth is it never went away. I could of dated, I could of dated so many other guys that asked me out, but Drew was the only one I thought of every time someone else wants to be with me.

"I'm saying I liked Drew since I was eight maybe even before that. Anyway that's not what's important right now. It really sucks to know you guys don't care about my feelings. It also hurts me even more that Drew was kneeling in front of you and you didn't even bother to look at him for just 1 second. He wasn't even a stranger he was Drew telling you he liked me sincerely, and you know what it doesn't matter anyway and now you guys know we're dating nothing you do is going to change that anyway."

I turn to leave and make my way upstairs. I can't believe my mother she wasn't even standing up for me when Violet hit me with that pen and called me bitch. I closed the door to my bedroom, I thought I was fine, I thought everything seemed fine but I'm actually not. I think my moms hates Drew now and I think she hates me too now. I ruined my brother's friendship with his best friend, Violet hates me. I'm pretty sure Daniel won't be talking to me for a while either. Chris I don't know what he'll do once he found out. Everything is actually a mess at this point of my life.

My relationship with Drew isn't going as great either. I feel we have so much to work on through our relationship. I hate that he acts so strong but I know Drew's not okay. I know something else is bothering him that his not telling me. I just want to be someone he trust to have around. I want to be someone that's there's for him when he needs me and whatever his going through because that's the kind of girlfriend I want to be. I want to feel more included.

I then hear a knock on my door. I didn't bother answering it yet.

"It's me open up." I heard my moms voice. I walked over and open the door. My mom walks in without me telling her to come in.

"How long has it been?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked her.

"How long have you and Drew been going on for here?" She asked me.

"Mom that's not what's important right now. Could you just be happy for us?"

"How long?" She asked me again.

"I don't know, almost 3 months now." I tell her.

"I don't know how to feel about all this. It's just I never expected you and. . . Drew. It's not clicking and it doesn't make any sense."

I walked away from her a bit and took a seat on the bed instead.

"Mom I don't want to do this right now, it's been a long day." I tell her just hoping she'd get out of my room. She came and sit next to me instead and just pet my hair.

"Look Jade, can you not be with him. Violet she is your sister after all just don't be with Drew for her sake."

I can't believe the words that are coming out of my own mother's mouth.

"How could you?" I ask her.

"It's not just that I just think that, well since Violet and Drew kinda had a thing I figured it would be better to not be with Drew."

I'm trying to figure my mother out but she doesn't seems to get that Drew is my boyfriend and not Violet's.

"First of all, Violet and Drew had nothing going on and I am your real daughter. I always knew you liked her more than me."

"Jade that's not true!"

I know it's true, I can tell my mom liked Violet way more than me. It's always about Violet.

"Yes it is! Look how much you taken her side instead of mine and you know I can't do this right now. Please leave my room."

"This is my house so you know, I'll talk to you when and where I want."

I'm really not understanding my mom at all at this point. I'm just so done with today.

"Okay then, I'll leave." I grabbed my book bag and and my wallet along with my phone.

"Where do you think you going?" She asked me.

"Anywhere that's not your property so you won't be able to talk me go head and give Violet whatever she needs or wants but one thing for sure I won't give up on dating Drew because his my boyfriend."

I walked out my bedroom to the hallway leaving my mom inside my room. Once I reached downstairs I saw Bert is still sitting at the dinning table.

"Hey Jade, where you going?" He asked. I suddenly feel this raged in me. I hate this Miller family for coming for meeting my mom and for coming to stay with us. I guest hating them at the beginning was never a bad idea. It just sucks so much that I have to put up with Violet and my mom being like this right now.

"Is everything okay?" Bert asked me. I didn't even brother to respond back to him. I walked out the house. I really wish it was the other way around with my mom.

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