Chapter 62

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A couple days later before the wedding day, Drew and I were getting ready for the rehearsal dinner when I hear the doorbell ring.

"I'll go get it," I tell Drew.

"I'll get it," I got up. Once I opened the door I see Daniel and Lizzie at the front of our door.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked them.

"We came to drop you two off." Lizzie says.

"We have our own cars you know."

"I know but did you grab all your stuff," Lizzie ask me.

"I really don't see why I have to do this," I tell them.

"Mom wants you too," Daniel says.

I have to pack everything I need for tonight and tomorrow so can't see me till I start walking down the aisle.

"Fine I packed everything," I tell them.

"Everything, makeup? Hair brush?"

"Rosie planned on doing all that tomorrow."

Rosie is an expert in hair and makeup, she studied cosmetologist and she's finally going to open her salon soon.

"Right I forgot she's great, Aww you're going to be such a beautiful bride,"Lizzie says all excited.

"Thanks, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go grab my things upstairs." I tell her and make my way up.

"After dinner, we're really not going to see each other till tomorrow when you walk down the aisle?" Drew ask me like his sad. We can't even do anything about it my mom believes it's bad luck and so does everyone else.

"Yes, we still have a couple of hours together though so let's make the most of it." I hold his hand. He kissed my forehead and hug me. Ever since this morning I been feeling kinda of nervous. We've been planning this wedding for so long now and I don't see why I'm getting nervous for. Drew hugging me like this makes me feel a lot better though.

"How are you feeling?" Drew ask me.

"I'm great," I smiled trying not to show him I'm nervous. It's like an exciting feeling like I'm happy and I can't wait to do this and at the same I just don't get where this nervous feeling is coming from.

"Alright, let's go." Drew says grabbing my heavy bags for me.

"Bring the bags down, I forgot something in the bathroom," I tell him and went to go grab it. I make my way towards the staircase and Drew is just waiting there instead of going down.

"What are you-"

"Shhh." He tells me and point to Lizzie and Daniel downstairs. My eyes can't believe what I'm seeing.
I see Lizzie on top of Daniel having this crazy make out session on the couch.

Aww, This is what she always wanted since high school.

Drew faked the loudest sneeze ever and they quickly pull away from each other trying to make it look like nothing was going on. That's when Drew grabbed my hand and we walked downstairs.

"Hey," Drew says.

"Hey," Daniel says. They are still acting pretty awkward seeing us.

"We should really go, I don't want us to be late." Daniel says and start making his way out.

"I don't see why you two hiding it, we saw." Drew says and that stopped Daniel from opening the door.

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