A Sweet Little Though -LustBerry Rewrite-

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He loved parties, they were always so much fun and brought everyone happiness, smiling as they chatted with their friends or messed around the dance floor. Even those who don't talk much end up having fun at parties.


He hated parties; they were always so loud reminding him of all the times he would come down from a high. The loud music and cheering people worsening the oncoming headache from his hangover. He hated everyone that would party, or at least went to the parties his AU held, it was disgusting.

He slowly looked up, a few people had been looking at him, Lust shuddered and pulled his crop top down slightly. The short fabric stretching to cover more of his body, he felt embarrassed by their stares. He was quick to look for an exit his eyes frantically searching for the door over the sea of people. He gripped his cup tighter he wanted to move his legs, but he felt like he was stuck in place. Fear gripping his soul, he didn't want to move but he wanted out of here, not wanting to teleport either not sure of what was outside. Maybe he wasn't in Blue's house, maybe he was somewhere else, he had no idea.

He looked at the red solo cup in his hand, some red-looking liquid sloshing around the cup, some of it dripping from the lip of the cup from his squeezing, indenting the cup. He quickly brought it up to his face taking a large swig. Hoping it was spiked in one way or another, but he was only met with the sweet taste of strawberries. He slowly pulled the cup away from his mouth, he felt sick his stomach knotted up, and could already feel the vomit bubbling up his throat.


Dancing was fun and all, but you can only do it for so long when tons of people are bumping into you. Blue sighed and waved at Ink and Dream who somehow still had the energy to keep dancing. Both the skeletons now holding each other's hands and jumping around, the blue-clad skeleton chuckled and walked over to the drink table next to the stairs. The table was filled to the brim with snacks and drinks, Blue grabbed a red solo cup and grabbed the ladle of a punch bowl. He could hear the soft murmur of chatter echoing under the sound of the music, making his way down the table, he looked over to the stairs. Just glancing around when he caught sight of Lust, confusion swarmed him. He thought Lust couldn't make it because of work,

Slowly he walked over to the skeleton surprised and worried to see his trembling form. Blue took slow steps towards Lust stopping at his side. "Lust?" He called out softly, quickly catching the attention of the startled skeleton. "Hey, are you okay?" Blue whispered, he's learned from Error to keep his hands to himself when stuff like this happens. No matter how badly he might want to hug the other skeleton it's better to give them time.

"B-Blue! Oh! Hey Blue! Yeah, I'm fine, how are you?" Lust's words were stiff his smile seemed more forced than anything. His body going rigid, his trembling however never seemed to stop no matter how much he seemed to try to make it stop. Blue sighed and looked around the skeleton filled room.

"How about we go outside and chat?" Blue offered gesturing towards the door a bright smile on his face. He slowly set his empty solo cup down on the corner of the table stepping in the direction of the door. Lust quickly nodded and set the crinkled cup in his hands on the table next to him, straightening up following Blue to the door slowly.

Blue nodded and led Lust towards the door, he glanced around he felt like more people were looking his way than usual. He sighed and glanced behind him, he frowned for only a moment seeing Lust's scared shaking body trying to hide away from everyone's stares. He quickly looked back at the door a large smile playing at his cheeks. He was good a smiling when he needed to be around people, it cheered people up, it was who he was. If he wasn't happy then who was he?

Grabbing the handle of the door he slowly pushed it open and led Lust outside into the snowy air, looking behind him, he could see Sans, whispering and pointing them out. He felt his soul twist, how was he going to play this one off? Slowly closing the door behind him, he glanced at Lust with the click of the door.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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