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Yeah, so, do you see that flag?

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Yeah, so, do you see that flag?

Yeah, so from what I've heard and DID research about.

Pedophiles are trying to link the sexual attraction to UNDER age children, to the LGBT/LGBTQ+ community. They're calling it "PedoSexual."

Okay, personally, I don't care if your gay, trans, bi, etc. You do you, and if it makes you happy okay! I'm very accepting of this community, but for god's sake.


Nothing about trying to seduce a child, or get photos of them, or be generally attracted to them, is OKAY.

Now of course by the research I've done on multiple news inlets, this isn't an actual sexuality.

Thank Christ, because if we actually normalized this, I would just. Yeah, I'm sure you can guess how angry I am.

This is NOT okay.

A child can NOT consent, hell there is even a CONSENT age law ranging 15 to 18. Now in my personal opinion, being a 15-year-old. 15 should not be an age of consent, mainly because, I don't care how much porn you've watched, you STILL don't know what you're contenting to! Children do not have the mental capacity to FULLY understand the whole basis of sex.

Pedophilia is disgusting. Okay. And trying to normalize it is WRONG. It is NOT okay to put a child in that situation! Hell, children are traumatized by this.

1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;

Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident;

During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;

Over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;

Children are most vulnerable to CSA between the ages of 7 and 13.

Most of these children TAKE there lives. Or have to get therapy to DEAL with what has happened to them. I've done a lot, and I mean A LOT of research on the effects of abuse, sexual abuse, and all kinds of abuse. Trust me, the effects are not pretty, and children take their lives because of it. Suicide is the leading cause of teen death in America TODAY.

To generalize a crime like this would put children in danger! Can you imagine these sick people getting OFF their computers, and walking out on the street freely as if not enough already do, and just start FLIRTING with children? SMALL children. Children who don't know the DAMN difference!

I've heard a lot about sexual abuse, I've had friends who are VICTIMS of this. Being on the internet as I am, has already thrown me into situations with people like this. And I am still VERY upset with the outcome of those situations. Pedophilia is not okay, giving the term 'Pedosexual' and trying to link it to a community that's ALREADY getting a bad wrap is disgusting.

They're also trying to make a term, based on the post I was tagged in, and Hacker News in which I read. For child porn. Using the code word 'Child Pizza' FBI, and the national center for missing and exploited children (ncmec), and in the exploited children division (ECD) call the term, CP, referring to Child Porn. The code 'Cheese Pizza', or 'I'm looking for cheese pizza'. Isn't really a very popular slang word used for this.

I just want to warn people on this, because it's disgusting, and anyone who defends this 'sexuality', is just.

I'm going to either assume, you're a Pedophile, or just, why. Why, would you defend this?

I'm happy the internet blew up about this as much as it did. Because this is disgusting. Feel free to do your own research and let me know if I must add something. Really, this is gross. Please tag people, so they can spread the word.

Please stay safe out there, if something like this has happened, tell a trusted adult, or get help, contact your local child abuse line.

This link ^

Is a child abuse website, for all the numbers of every state, for the child abuse number. I know you can't click it, but type it in and you'll get the website.

But please do stay safe, this isn't a joke, really, if you've experienced something likes this, or are going through something like this, don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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