Crossmare -Angst/Fluff-

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This is an old short story I wrote and I thought I'd share it with you guys! :3

~~Story Start~~

Cross' POV

It was late at night, Nightmare wasn't home from work yet and all the lights were off in the small house we shared. The house was cold and silent almost mimicking my mood, tears stained my cheeks as I hugged my knees to my chest tightly hoping to comfort myself in some way.

I just couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't bottle up my emotions anymore the pain of...I just couldn't take it his death was more than I could handle. I missed my baby, my child, he was my world and now...he's GONE. He's gone and to make matters worse they can't find the murder!

That PERSON- if I can even call them that. took my baby...i-if only I had been stronger..."I-I'm sorry baby...I-I...s-so sorry..please forgive mommy..." my voice wavered as I spoke my throat sore from sobs my head pounded my headache only making it worse I let go on my knees let myself fall forward on the bed I had set myself on. My forehead touched the softness of the bed I only cried harder sobs escaping my mouth as I shook violently and fell onto my side. "M-my baby...please..." Only a few words were able to escape my mouth along with sobs and hiccups I screwed my eyes shut not wanting to see the harsh reality in front of me.

I wanted my baby back!... I wanted my sunshine here with me...I could have saved him...I-I could have b-been there faster...only i-if I was body racked with sobs my soul ached with sorrow and pain. I didn't even notice the door open as I continued to cry my eyes out...all I wanted was my baby...I wanted to see he sweet little face, his eyes filled with hope and life, h-his...sweet little voice as he called out f-for me...   

Nightmare's POV

I sighed opening the front door it had been a long day at work and all I wanted was to lay down in bed my wife and just sleep. I set my jacket on the couch but froze as a wave of negative emotions hit me like a truck. I looked upstairs I could hear sobs echo out around the old house I walked to the stairs quietly. Yes, I liked getting stronger from negative emotions but when it came from Cross...that was a completely different story. 

I could hear whispers and sobs coming from our bedroom. I slowly crept up the stairs my hand gripping the railing of the stairs as I tried not to fall down from all the negative emotions washing over me. It almost too much even for me! I shook my head refocusing myself I was at the top of the stairs by now. I stopped to look at the room that stood across from mine and Cross' I placed my balled up hand on the wall growling at myself knowing that I could have somehow prevented this. I took a deep breath calming myself before I looked at our bedroom door where Cross was.

I quietly walked to the door and placed my hand on the doorknob placing my forehead on the door before opening it. My gaze was soft and sad as I just stared at the door listening to Cross' sobs and whispers of either hateful words directed at himself or just whispers of apologies to our son. I then gently pushed open the door after a moment of listening my soul ached I could feel his pain was terrible...I makes me question the sanity of the mother...or Cross in this matter.

I sighed sadly as I walked to Cross who had so much as noticed me.

No one POV    

 Nightmare quickly walked to his grieving lover, Nightmares soul was heavy and ached with almost the exact same pain Cross felt he hated that Cross felt this pain and wanted nothing more than to take it away from him, take away his burden and free him of his pain.

Nightmare put his knee on the bed before adjusting himself so that he was sitting on the bed next to Cross' curled up and shaking body that painfull racked with sobs. Nightmare reached his hand out to Cross but stopped as Cross spoke "I-Its all...m-my...f-fault!..." Cross hissed at himself Nightmare quietly growled at this and grabbed Cross' shoulder who gasped in surprise when he felt his lover pull him close "IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY THAT!" Nightmare yelled at Cross' tears in his eyes yet they had not fallen Cross only shook his head at the taller more sobs escaped him Cross cupped his hands together pressing them to his chest where his soul was. Nightmare growled and gripped Cross' wrists tightly but not enough to hurt him "Cross list-" Cross shook his head violently and yelled cutting Nightmare off "NO! YOU LISTEN TO ME!... It's my fault! I-I couldn't get t-to him fa-fast enough!-" Cross' sobs cut him off as more tears fell staining he usually starch white skull with light purple tears. Nightmare had sat Cross' skull on his lap still gripping his wrist tightly "Cross." Cross who still had his eyes screwed shut opened them slowly and looked up at Nightmare with pained eyes. It struck Nightmare could feel his soul pang with guilt. He looked at his pained lover and leaned his head down to Cross' level "I promise it isn't your fault. He wouldn't want you to blame yourself so please...stop." Nightmare begged Cross just closed his eyes as if in pain and truly he was but he knew Nightmare was right he just couldn't help but blame himself for all that's happened. 

Cross soon opened his eyes and looked at Nightmare "O-ok..." Cross' voice was soft and quite bearly above a whisper Nightmare gave his smaller lover a small smile before closing the gap between them and kissing him lovingly. Cross' instantly kissed his taller lover back his sadness melting away slowly being replaced with exhaustion.

Nightmare pulled away looking at his tried but slightly happier lover Cross smiled ever so slightly at Nightmare letting all of his weight lean on Nightmare who just smiled at Cross and picked him up bridal style before shift so that he was laying on the bed and Cross was laying on top of him. Nightmare sighed as he looked at Cross who had fallen asleep his face still stained with tears but had a small smile on his face. Nightmare smiled tiredly at Cross and wiped away his tears and hugged him close to his chest kissing the top of his skull before closing his eyes and falling asleep as well.

But Nightmare and Cross were in for a surprise when they find out about the small soul the resided in Cross' echo stomach. Nightmare was sure in for one hell of a ride with his hormonal lover.  

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