chapter 5: the date

Start from the beginning

"Why not I give you my number? I can text you", Zach replied, winking.

Jack could feel his jaw dropping as he stared at Zach in disbelief before breaking into another grin again.

"Smooth, Herron", he laughed as he handed his phone to Zach.

Zach smirked back as he punched in his number. He gave Jack back his phone when he was done and picked up his bag that was on the floor, "see you at 6, Avery!"

"Bye Zach", Jack replied.

As Jack walked to class, he looked at his contacts. Zach had saved his name as "Zachy♥️"

"How cute", he thought.


When school let them out at 3, Jack ran all the way back home.

"SYD, SYD!" he yelled, barging into his sister's room immediately after getting home, "HE SAID YES!"

Sydnie jumped out of her seat in excitement, "OMG YES! I knew he would say yes! Quick, go wash up! I'll prepare the food".

"Thank you so much, Syd!" Jack shouted as he ran to his room.


Zach was FaceTiming Eben as he eagerly told him about his date.

"What should I wear omg?", he asked.

"Let me see what you picked out"

Zach flipped his camera as he showed Eben his wardrobe, "I haven't picked out anything", he moaned.

"You should wear your white t-shirt with ripped jeans, they're casual but not too casual. You can even add some chains to your jeans if you want to", Eben suggested.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea", Zach replied thoughtfully, "Thank you so much, Eben!"

"Don't mention it, have fun with your date!", Eben exclaimed.

Zach quickly ended the call and ran to his wardrobe, picking out the clothes Eben had suggested.

"Not bad", he thought as he looked at himself after changing. He decided to wear his denim jacket as a finishing touch, accompanied by his favourite black Vans.

 He decided to wear his denim jacket as a finishing touch, accompanied by his favourite black Vans

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