Chapter 1

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Growing up in a small town there's my 2 big brothers Chris my oldest brother and there's Daniel my second oldest brother. There's also Violet my stepsister. My mom got remarried when I turned 12 with this name guy named Bert Miller. Bert Miller moved in us with his daughter Violet. Violet is 4 years older than me she's also really smart and went to a college outside of town. She comes home in the weekends and holidays.

Then there's me the 17 year old, my name is Jade, the youngest of my family and I've been completely in love with this guy name Drew who lives right across from me. My family and Drew's family we all been very close with my other neighbor Lizzie who's actually my best friend. She's the only one that knows my love for Drew. I don't even know what he feels about me. He is four years older than me. He probably thinks of me as a little kid just like I would of seen someone who is four years younger than me too. Drew's is a really nice guy and his too good actually. His tall, his dark brown hair is sexy. His pink lips I just want kiss and suck his bottom lips every time we get close. Drew goes to a school that's closer to us so he can actually come home everyday. Drew and my brother Daniel are like best friend. Drew usually comes to my house for breakfast, lunch even dinner what the hell I feel sometimes he lives in my house. I don't actually mind thought.

Walking downstairs is my mom cooking us breakfast before I head to school. It's my senior year of high school and I'll be 18 in Just 3 months. I went in the fridge and grab a bottle of water to put inside of my bag.
"Good morning."

"Good morning, sweat heart." My mom answer. My brothers walk in the room with Drew. Shoot Drew always looks so fine. This thing I have for him been going on probably since I was 8. "Hey mom, I won't be having breakfast actually, I'm on a diet." I say.

"More for us then." Daniel answers.

"Honey, not eating in the morning is not good for your diet. How about you eat something in the morning first."

"Yes, she's right." Bert my step-dad walks in giving my mom a kiss on the lips.

"Gross, now I can't eat at all, I'm heading to school, bye."

"Wait?" Drew say.

"What is it?" I say wishing he'd declare his love for me.

"Don't you need someone to drop you off," Drew ask.

"Oh I was going to go with Lizzie," I answer. Oh shoot wrong answer Jade, I should of said yes.

"Oh I was going to drop you off, looks like you don't need it." He says.

"Nooooo, it's fine. You can drop me off. It's totally okay. Great!" I got a little way too excited for this.

"What's with her?" Daniel ask. Chris brings up his shoulders giving a gesture that he don't know. I might have overreacted a little bit.

"Right sure." I say. I take my phone out and text Lizzie.


She replied later with,


My mom puts a plate in front of all us on the kitchen island. "I told you I'm not eating mom." I push the plate to her.

"Eat something at least." She pushes it back to me. I take 1 blueberry from plate.

"That's it?" She ask.

"That's the only healthy thing on this plate, you should probably start cooking healthier." I say.

"Alright, you can pass your plate over to me, my belly liked some more." Daniel say. I push my plate down to him.

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