Chapter 2: Master and truth

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"Rise, my child." Said the old man and Susan stood. 

"I've done what you ordered me, Master." Said Susan.

"I see. I can easily see the reason for your choice. 純淨的靈魂. (pure souls)" He said and smiled at Harris and Bishop and released them from his sharp and intense gaze and nodded in approval. He stepped toward them. "Welcome to China, my sons." He said. "Tell me your names."

"I'm John Harris." Said Harris fast and he was surprised how much he felt secure to tell his name. He could tell everything to this man. The old man nodded and looked at Bishop.

"I'm Tom Bishop, Sir." Said Bishop. The old man laughed. "Please call me, Master. Like everyone else." He said. "I assume you are confused about what are you doing here. You must forgive me, for I was the one who told Susan to say nothing to you. consider it as a test." He then walked to a little wooden table with four wooden chairs around it. 

"A test?" asked Bishop confused. 

"Come. You must be tired. It was a long way from New York." Said Master and sat on one of the chairs. Harris, Bishop, and Susan sat as well. Chan came and stood behind them. 

A little teapot was there with four little bowls. Master poured a brew into the bowls and placed them in front of them. Susan took her own and drank it gratefully but Harris and Bishop looked at their ones suspiciously. "Drink. It will make you refreshed. It's my own brew. You can call it the Master's brew, made of a few herbs." Said Master kindly. 

Harris and Bishop took their bowls and drank and immediately relaxed. It was delicious. It was like you mix the tastes of the forest, water, wet soil, and grass. It was like the weariness of their long journey was pulled out of them. 

Master smiled satisfied and proudly. "Now we can talk." He said and gestured to fill their bowls again which they accepted happily this time. "A year ago, this child, Susan, came here. So young but tired. Her soul was old but almost gray. Like an ill tree ready to fall. Black clouds had been filled her heart. She asked for help and I accepted to clean her wounded and gray soul. She stayed here for a year and let me say it was not an easy year for a 15 years old girl. She passed exercises and tests that only our grown trainers could do, but she did for she had a goal. One goal to save humanity." Said Master and gazed at Susan kindly with a light of pride. He was obviously fond of the teenager. "When she told it to me and I saw her golden goal, I promised to help her with all of my power and the first step for her was to find two trusted people."

"Only two? What do we want to do? Save the world like a trio?" asked Harris. 

"Don't be hasty, Mr. Harris. For great achievements, you should take small but continuous steps. And Susan has taken great steps till now." Said Master and looked at Susan.

"I'm rich. So rich in fact. I had many projects alongside working for agencies that earned me lots of money. I want to found an organization called GSS, Global Security Service. Actually, I have set people to build the first base somewhere near London." Said Susan. 

"A real and known organization? I thought that you want to at least have a secret group." Said Harris.

"What did you think I am? Robin hood?" said Susan. "No, Harris. I want to have a known and authorized organization, so powerful so no other organization or agency has the power to challenge me." 

"And you become a new devil yourself?" asked Bishop. Susan looked at him for a moment. "You can trust me or not. I don't force you to follow me like you were till now. You can have your choice." She said. 

"And if we want to go? Don't you afraid that we ruin your plans?" asked Bishop. 

"I know that I can trust you. If you want to go you can simply give a promise to don't tell anyone and you are free to go. By the way, soon everyone will become aware of GSS." Answered Susan. The two stared at each other for a moment.

Susan Grays (book 1)/ The tale of trustحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن