Overnight At Hi5- Woods

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"Hey guys, we are staying overnight at Hi5 Studios and we are going to be using products from our last Dope or Nope video so go watch that after this video." Matt said to the camera as he started the video.  "Today we have, (Y/N), Woods, Sam, and Pat who are going to be joining me and Tanner in this video."

I was sitting with Woods and Sam on the couch waiting to begin exploring. I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit scared but I knew that nothing would happen. Before we began doing all the scary things, we made forts and asked each other very weird questions, but now we were ready to start looking for ghosts. 

"I got this necklace that supposedly changes color if there is anything nearby so I'm going to wear is the whole video and we'll see if it changes color." Matt told us and the camera. 

"Wait, it changes colors? How?" I asked Matt. 

"Green is good. It means nothing is here and then blue means an angel or a good spirit and red mean a bad sprit." Matt told me. 

"Ohh okay cool" I said. 

We started playing with a stuffed bear that was somehow supposed to tell if a ghost was near us but every time we touched it it made a noise so we kinda gave up on that one. We were probably just using it wrong. 

"(Y/N) do you wanna use the Ouija board with me and Woods?" Tanner asked me.

"Sure, I guess." I responded. 

Me, Tanner, and Woods all sat around the table and set the board up. I was kinda nervous to play because I have never used one before and I've heard so bad things about Ouija boards. But I still decided to play. I mean what's the worst that can happen? 

"Is anyone there?" Tanner asked the board. Nothing happened. 

"Are there any spirts here?" I asked the board. The planchet started moving right away. 

"Ew I hate that. Why did it work when I asked it?" I said nervously. 

"I don't know but ask it another question" Woods said. 

"Um, are you a good spirit?" I hoped it was. The planchet moved to no. 

"Great." I said. "We're all gonna die" 

"Don't say that!" Tanner said. 

"I'm kidding" 

We continued to play for a little while until we got bored and nothing was really happening. We asked why the spirit was here, how old it was, and many more questions but there was no answer. The only question it answered was if the spirit knew anyone and it responded yes it knew me. That scared me so we just said goodbye and went back to Matt and Pat. Matt brought out other things to use and we just sat around for the next few minutes. I left to use the bathroom and this is when things went downhill. 

The hallway was extremely dark and scary looking but I just ran to the bathroom door. The next thing I knew the door was literally opening on its own. I was like 2 feet away from the door. I could not have touched it. So I screamed because what else would I have done. 

"(Y/N)!" Woods yelled as he ran toward me. 

"(Y/N)! What happened?" Sam asked me. 

"The door opened by itself. I was standing two feet away!" I said my voice shaking. 

Woods came over to me and hugged me to make me feel better. 

"Thats so weird." Matt said. "I have this laser grid thing we can set up for a few minutes and see if we catch anything."

The laser grid was basically a grid that shines onto the wall and if a sprit of something passes by it the grid moves showing that there was something there. While the camera was filming the gird we decided to just chill for the next few minutes. After about 30 minutes we looked at the footage from the camera. 

"Oh, Wait. What was that?" Matt said looking at the footage. 

"What?" We all said. 

"Look" Matt showed up the video. We could see the door open and then the grid became distorted for a few seconds and then the other door closed. It was terrifying. 

"No no no" I said freaked out. "Okay, I'm done. Let's just go now."

"Yeah okay" Matt said. He ended the video and we all went out separate ways. It was late so I went home with woods. After today I am never staying overnight at Hi 5 Studios again. 

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