Sus (1/2)- Michael

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Today was the day I was going to be on Dope or Nope for the first time. I was really nervous but also excited. I have my own channel so I'm not nervous about being on camera but I just don't want to embarrass myself. I was filling in for tanner because he was sick. I walked into the Dope or Nope room and sat down on the couch next to Michael. We both looked into each others eyes and kissed. Matt, of course had to walk into the room at that exact moment. 

"Get a room you two" Matt joked.

"Ha Ha, very funny" You said back.

You and Michael have been dating for two years but your love for each is just the same as it was in the beginning. You guys never got tired of each other and pretty much had the perfect relationship. 

"Alright guys were ready to start" Liz said as she had just finished getting everything ready.

"Hello guys and welcome to Dope or Nope the channel where we rate products Dope or Nope OR we have have a guest because Tanner is sick!" Matthias said and he did the intro for the video.

"Yes guys we have a guest. Everybody please welcome (y/n)!" Michael introduced me.

"Hi guys. Im so excited to be a guest!"

"Okay today we are rating ten products that instagram suggested for me. Since (y/n) is the guest she is going to go first." Matthias stated.

We kept filming for about another hour and then we were finally done. I never realized how tiring filming multiple videos a day was. Soon everyone left the room. I made my way down to my office with Michael following me close behind. I sat down at my desk chair and Michael came in a closed my door. 

"You were great today love." he whispered in my ear.

I blushed and smiled slightly. 

"You know, I love you so so much" I said back to him.

We looked at each. We stared into each others eyes for a few seconds until the door opened. We pulled away quickly.

"uhh sorry" woods said as he was the one to open my door.

"No it's fine. Whats up?" I asked.

"Since Tanners not here do you mind filling in for him on Rekt?"

"Oh I thought you guys were filming tomorrow"

"Yeah, we had a change of plans because we need to edit a few videos tomorrow to get them up in time"

"Ohh okay. Ill be there in 5 minutes"

"Okay bye"


I turned around and looked at Michael. He was looking at me weird. 

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know, it just seems weird that they changed when they were going to film. I know Woods had a crush on you"

"Its not weird. Team edge changes when they film all the time and I would never ever cheat on you baby."

"I know its just sus"

"Well I should probably go. Ill see you later love"

I gave Michael a quick kiss before going to the Rest set. When I entered only Woods was there.

"Wheres is everybody else?" I asked confused.

"Oh were not actually filming today. I just wanted you alone"


To be continued...

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