Pregnant?- Joey

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Me and Joey have been married for three years and during those three years we have tried to have kids but every time it has not worked out. Finally after trying for so long I was pregnant! I was beyond excited and I have to make the way Joey found out so special. My plan was to tell him duding a team edge video. We were doing the whisper challenge video so it was going to be perfect. 

"Hi guys welcome to Team Edge" Joey said as he started the intro. "Today we are joined with my lovely wife (y/n)."

"Hi guys!" I said. 

"In todays video we are going to be doing the whisper challenge." 

"So how its going to work is one person is going to be listening to music with headphones on and another person is going to have a piece of paper with something written on it and they have to say it out loud and the person with the headphones on tries to guess what they are saying." Brain said as he explained the rules. 

Brain picked up a piece of paper and I put the headphones on. The music was really loud. You couldn't hear anything. Brain showed the camera the paper and what it said on it. 

"Apple pie and pumpkin pie" Brain said laughing.

"What?" I was so confused. 

"Apple pie and pumpkin pie." Brain said again a little louder. 

"Apple hi and pickle pie" I guessed.

"Hahaha no. Apple pie and pumpkin pie."

"Um Apple pie and pickle pie. Ew pickle pie?" 

"Your so close. Apple pie and pumpkin pie"

"Apple pie and pumpkin pie?" 


"Yay! I got it."

After a few more rounds Joey was up for the last time. This was it. I was telling Joey I'm pregnant. I was nervous and excited. I held up the paper for the camera to see. Everyone in the room already knew so it was no surprise for them. 

"Okay are you ready Joey?" I asked 

"HUH?" Joey practically yelled.

"Okay, taking that as a yes. I'm pregnant"

"the Skys indent"

"what? no. I'm pregnant"

"The Skys in a bed" 

"I'm Pregnant"

"Exactly, the Skys in a bed"

"No! I'm pregnant" I said it louder. I was getting kinda annoyed that he still hadn't gotten it.

"I'm diligent"

"I'm pregnant!"

"I'm pregnant?" 

"YES!" finally he has gotten it. 

"Wait. What? Are you really?"


Joey jumped out of his seat and gave me the biggest hug. I was crying now. He was just so happy.

"I'm gonna be a dad" Joey exclaimed.

"I'm gonna be a mom" I said. 

Brain did the outro for the video and we cleaned up. When it was just me a Joey left in the room we shared a kiss. One that should have happened when he found out but there was a lot of people in the room.

"I'm so happy"

"Me too baby" 

Hi guys! I know I keep asking for you to comment, but I wanna know if you guys actually like this book, or am I wasting my time writing it. I mean I enjoy writing it but I wanna know what people think. 

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