Thank You (1/2)- Tanner

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I had just moved to LA to start a new job as an editor for a small YouTuber. I was at the store buying some things for my new apartment. I had a lot of bag when I left and was struggling to carry them all. Luckily someone helped me.
T- hey you look like you could use some help
(y/n)- Yeah I could thanks
This man helped me put my stuff into my car.
(y/n)- thank you so much
T- your welcome. Just moved here?
(y/n)- Yeah about a week ago. There's nothing in my apartment yet so I had to buy things.
T- do you need help setting up in your apartment?
(y/n)- umm
My heart was telling my yessss he's a nice guy and he's cute. But my anxiety was telling me don't let a stranger into your house. I started to get a little anxious and this guy could tell.
T- you okay
(y/n)- Yeah mabye another time you could come over.
T- okay that's fine
I turned to get into my car.
T- what before you leave can I have your number?
(y/n)- sure
I took his phone and put in my number. And he did the same. He put his name in as "Tanner🥰"
I got home and started to set up my apartment. I realized I should probably text tanner and apologize for saying he can't come over.
(y/n)- Hey
T- hey
(y/n)- I'm sorry for not letting you come over. My anxiety was getting to me.
T- aww. It's no problem
(y/n)- I guess I'll talk to you later gn
T- gn
I watched some tv before going to into my room and falling asleep. I woke up at around 2am to a noise. I didn't know what it was but I scarred me a lot. I had ptsd from my last boyfriend who was abusive. That was part of the reason I moved to LA was to get away from him but to also get a new job. I tried to fall asleep again but every noise brought me more anxiety. I decided to call tanner to see if he could come over.
T- Hello?
(y/n)- hi
T- are you okay?
(y/n)- no..
T- what's wrong?
At this point tanner sounded wide awake and worried. I was very close to crying.
(y/n)- I can't sleep. I keep hearing noises in my room
T- do you want me to come over?
(y/n)- please..
T- of course I will text me your address
End of call
I texted Tanner my address and he got her in 10 minutes. He knocked on the door and I opened it. As soon as I saw him I ran to him and hugged him. I broke down crying. He hugged me back. He picked me up and sat me on my bed and he sat with me.
T- (y/n) what's wrong
(y/n)- ummm
T- you can tell me I promise
(y/n)- okay well. The main reason I moved to LA was to get away from my abusive ex boyfriend. Ever since I broke up with him I've had ptsd and anxiety and coming to LA has made my anxiety 100 times worse. Everything is stressful and I'm scarred.
T- Ohh (y/n). I'm so sorry
He pulled me into another hug. I felt so safe in his arms I never wanted to let go. He started to get up.
T- I should probably go now
(y/n)- wait can you stay with me? Please
T- okay I will
(y/n)- thank you so much
We both got into my bed. I fell asleep so quickly after. My alarm rang at 6 in the morning. I opened my eyes and realized I was laying on tanners chest. I shot up so quickly.
(y/n)- I'm so sorry
T- it's fine I liked it
(y/n)- what?
T- I liked it
(y/n)- Ohh well I should probably get ready now
T- I should probably get back home
(y/n)- thank you so much for coming over I don't know what I would have done.
T- it's not problem. Text me or call me whenever you need something
(y/n)- I will bye!
T- bye
I proceeded to get ready. I left at 7 o'clock. I got to this persons house at 7:30. I rang the doorbell.
J- hello?
(y/n)- hi I'm (y/n) your editor
J- Ohh I forgot to text you. We found a new editor
(y/n)- oh um okay then bye
J- bye
I got back into my car and drove home. I let myself inside and cried for hours on my bed. I was devastated. I had no way to earn money and no other job ideas. I had no one to text or call besides tanner but I knew he was at work. I texted him anyway.
(y/n)- I can't do this tanner
T- do what
(y/n)- living here anything
T- No, don't say that. What happened?
(y/n)- I got fired on my first day. They found a new editor and they didn't tell me
T- oh (y/n) 
(y/n)- my life is ruined I have no money I'm screwed
T- wait you said you were an editor right?
(y/n)- Yeah
T- well we're I work we're looking for an editor
(y/n)- really?
T- yeah I'll talk to my boss now
(y/n)- thank you so much
End of texts
Tanner went to talk to his boss about me. His boss Matt said tell her to come in and I'll interview her. Tanner texted me saying come to my office at 1. And he texted me the address. It was 10 so I had time but I was so nervous. I occupied myself by watch tv until I had to leave. I put the address into the gps and drove away. I got to the office at around 12:55. Tanner texted me saying come to orange base. So I found orange base. I entered. A young girl was sitting at the front desk.
S- hi can I help you?
(y/n)- I'm supposed to meet with Matt
S- Okay his office is up the stairs.
I looked around. There were people talking and working in there offices. But there were also a lot of cameras. I walked up the stairs and I herd someone call my name
T- (y/n)!
(y/n)- Tanner. Thank you soooo much for this
T- anytime
Matt walked up the stairs and saw us talking.
M- hi you must be (y/n)
(y/n)- Yeah
M- Tanner talks a lot about you
I blushed but tried to hide it.
M- well come into my office
We had our meeting it was fairly short. In the end Matt decided to hire me.
(y/n)- Thank you soo much this means so much to me!
M- your welcome. Now before you start is there anything i should know about you.
(y/n)- umm yeah
M- okay what
(y/n)- I have anxiety. It's not that bad but since I moved here it's gotten a little worse. But I'm working on it.
M- Ohh that's okay. What about being on camera?
(y/n)- I don't know. I want to be but it might take a while to get used to
M- that's perfectly fine. Well I think we're done. You can start tomorrow

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