TikTok?- Matthias

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Today you were going to your husbands work to surprise him. Throughout the whole week he's always at work and you rarely get to see him and you missed him. It's also been a while since you visited Hi 5 Studios and wanted to catch up with people. You hop out of your car with you daughter in your arms. Your daughter, Luna, also loved coming to see her father at work. You entered blue base and said hello to Samantha who was sitting at the front desk.

"Hi" you said. 

"OMG! (Y/N) Hi! Its been so long." Sam replied.

"I know. I've missed everyone"

Sam then proceeded to say hello to Luna and tell you that Matthias was upstairs in his office. (is his office in blue base?) You opened the door and to your surprise you found Tanner and Matthias doing a dance in front of their phones. 

*Cough, Cough*

The boys turned around with a scared look on their faces. 

"Love, hi" Matthias said as he gave you a kiss on the forehead. 

"Hi (Y/N)" Tanner said. 

"What were you doing?" I asked very curious.

"Um, learning a dance." Tanner said. 

"For what?" 


You couldn't help but laugh. You've heard about TikTok for a few of your friends and had TikTok yourself but would have never expected your husband to be learning a dance for it. 

"What dance?" you asked still laughing. 

"Renegade" Matthias answer.

You laughed even more. They were learning renegade. Thats hilarious. Just then Woods knocked on the door and said Tanner had to film a Rekt video so he left. It was just you, Luna, and Matthias. 

"Do you really have TikTok?"



"Don't laugh, you have it too."

"I know but its kinda funny. I still love you though. Dont worry."

"Oh, I'm not. I know you'll never stop loving me."

"Shut up" 


Matthias picked up Luna and gave me a hug. A nice family hug. You didn't want this moment to last. You really had the best husband. 

I might not be active the next few days because there's a lot going on in my life right now but I'll try and update again soon. 

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