Hiding From Your Love

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Beam went into self protection mode again. Forth knew it. Sigh... So, where was he hiding now? For the last 3 days, Forth had not been able to find him at all. He had waited at the Med courtyard, outside of his dorm room and his favourite eating spots. Nothing.

Today he was going to corner Phana and Kit. And he is going to get answers, even if it going to get himself killed. It just might. 

He sat bravely at the Crazy Doc's table and waited for the lunch break. It wasn't a very long wait until Phana showed up, carrying his lunch tray. He sat down and looked at Forth, nodded, "I was expecting you." 

"Phana," Forth nodded back, "I'll be brief. Where's Beam?"

Kit sat down beside Forth and said, "Forth, Beam doesn't want to talk to you."

"But why? What did I do?" Forth whined, looking between Phana and Kit.

The two med boys shared a look and and then Phana said, "You took a chance on Beam, Forth, actually. You didn't do anything wrong."

"If you give him some breathing room, he might come back, just like he did the last time, Forth." Kit said. "

Forth crossed his arms and placed them on the table. Leaning forward, he banged his head on them repeatedly until he heard Phana laughing. "What?" he growled, looking from lowered lids.

"You've got it just as bad as Beam!" he choked out, holding back even more laughter. "Oh my god, I'm stuck between two idiots!" 

Kit stood up and punched Pha on the shoulder. "Stop that! It's not nice. Forth," Kit said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, "It will be okay, Beam will be back. "

Forth stood up, pushing Kit's hand from his shoulder. "You know, I really don't trust you guys." He turned, glaring at Phana. "I really don't trust you. I know you're closer to Beam than I will ever be, but seriously, do you have to rub it in my face all the time?" He slammed his hands down on to the concrete table and leaned way into Phana's face. 

In a low voice, just loud enough for Phana, he said, "I know about you and Beam. I hate it. I hate the fact you know what he tasted like before I did. I really hate you right now."

Forth turned and stalked away, the look on his face keeping everyone away. All the students could tell he was mad and Kit fell into onto the stool Forth vacated. "Wow, that was intense. So, what did he say to you?"

"Kit," Phana said laughing, "We are so dead! Beam's not keeping any secrets! He told Forth about our kissing trials when we were 13 and being caught by Beam's dad!"

"Oh my god," Kit put his head down, and felt like crying. "Why would he go and do that? Was he stupid?"

"No, no..." gasped Pha, "You've missed it, silly boy! Beam told him to chase him away! But Forth's not going anywhere.  He probably told him about his homophobic parents and now Forth has gone even more protective. He is willing to conquer worlds for him. It backfired, Kit." 

Kit moaned softly. "Why does he have all the luck? Good looks, grades and now a great guy chasing after him? If it was Forth wanting me, maybe I'd swing that way too!"

Pha laughed softly. "You hated it when Beam and I taught you to kiss. You really hated kissing boys, Kit. Then again, maybe it was because you're not attracted to nice guys. Maybe you're like Beam and need a bad boy."

Phana stood up and said, "Next week is when the new crop of Freshmen enters the school. Perhaps this is your year for finding a girl." He patted Kit on the back, scooped up his books and went to class. 

Just then, Kit's eyes landed on some new freshmen touring the campus before classes started next week. A few young men looked familiar but always there were people who knew of the Crazy Doc gang since the boys had been together in some form for the past 9 years. If these boys had gone to their high school, they would be recognized. Kit shrugged, gathered his books and went to class.

Further away, two young boys stood watching the young men leave the table in the medical court and sighed. The smaller boy looked up at his friend and said, "Hey Ming? I'm in the same University as him, but do you think he would ever really see me? All I need is to be next to him..."

Ming pushed Yo, laughing. "Four years, Four-eyes! Four years I've watched you mooning over the Great Phana and all you still want to do is moon over him? If I was this close to my crush, I'd do everything in my power to have him..." Ming let his voice fade away, and as if to himself, "Watch me, I'm going to get my crush this year."

Ming turned to his small friend and smiled softly. "Let's go, the group is too far ahead, I can't hear them." Yo took one last look as the Phana and Kit disappeared into the Medical Faculty Building. 

"Ming, I really wish I was smart..." he sounded wistful, "or cute. I'd settle for cute." Wayo then ran to catch up to the other Freshmen entering the University also on this tour. Ming shook his head, the only thing his small friend ever lacked was confidence, he had looks and if he only applied himself, he had smarts too.

Ming followed his childhood friend, catching up to the group. "Yo, sometimes I really believe you're an idiot. If you could only see yourself the way others do." 

Wayo smiled back but didn't answer, he knew exactly what Ming was trying to do. It didn't work, but he was grateful for having a best friend like him to stand by his side. Who knew, maybe he would connect once again with the lost love of his life and have courage this time to confess.

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