48 | We'll Meet Again

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"You crazy man," I uttered angrily as I held my father closer to me, watching him lay weakly as he bleeds out.

"Boss," Jared groaned, stumbling over to where I was on the floor.

I couldn't look at him and just focused on my father who was bleeding profusely. This dumb man took the shot for me and now look what has happened.

The mansion was filled with so much unpleasant noises. Everything was a mess as each gang fire against each other. I drown them out, looking at my father while trying not to break down seeing him like this. He looked like he wasn't going to make it and I didn't want to accept it, putting pressure on his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working.

What's left of my heart is breaking apart. I didn't want to lose my father to them. He wasn't the best father. He was a bastard who I hated so much. But still he is my father. The only one I have left. 

"Listen to me," Father winced, struggling to keep awake. 

"Be quiet and save your energy," I stated, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Xander, fucking listen boy," He grabbed my wrist tightly, making me stare at him. Jared goes to stand in front of us in defensive mode while I watch my father slowly die in my arms. 

"I'm sorry for not being the father you needed," He looked into my cold eyes, sadness and guilt swimming in those eyes of his, "I hope this makes up for all that time I failed to be a father to you. Take care of yourself son...."

He gave me one tight squeeze on the arm before shutting his eyes close. His arm drops and my heart shattered, finding it hard to accept that my father is gone now. I am all alone now. 

"Xander, are you okay?" I get pulled out of my thoughts, turning to the side to see Alyssa and her fiancee standing there watching me worriedly. Well, Alyssa looked concerned while her fiancee just stared at me blankly. 

"Yea," I shrugged, sitting on the hood of the car as they come closer. 

Alyssa's bump is becoming more visible and she looked happy now that she has reunited with her fiancee. I'm so happy that they are together. Honestly, I'm jealous of Damian, her lover. He was able to save Alyssa and they'll have a family soon. Something I was not able to have. 

"Thank you for taking care of me," Alyssa smiles, coming in for a hug which surprised me.

 She pulls me into a hug and I froze for a second. The hug made me realize I wasn't really okay. I really wanted to cry for some reason and I hated the idea of crying. When she started rubbing my back, it didn't help me. I was struggling to keep my shit together. I need to be strong. I manage to keep the tears back, and hug her back with Damian standing there. He didn't look happy about it, but doesn't say anything and waits. 

"I'll miss you, Xander. Come visit me in the future, okay?" She asked, pulling away to look at me. 

I give her a small smile, nodding. 

"You go on ahead. I have something to tell him before we leave," Damian tells Alyssa softly when she went back to him. She looks at me for a second then nods at Damian, "Be nice."

Damian rolls his eyes, "Yes, my Angel."

When Alyssa walks back to their car, Damian takes a few step closer and clears his throat. We both watch as our men start to leave the house, probably already started a fire inside the mansion. 

"I hate you," Damian starts, "...but I'm thankful for your help."

That made me smile a little. 

"Thanks for watching over her and keeping her safe till I showed up. If you need anything, just hit me up," He said, slapping me on the arm before walking off. 

I sigh quietly to myself when someone holds up a bottle in my face. 

It was Aria, the girl who was brave enough to enter the mansion and save Alyssa. They not only saved Alyssa, but they saved a lot of us who were locked up. There were more cars coming in to take prisoners away. They were mostly girls held captive to be sold. 

"Thank you," I tell her, taking the water bottle from her. 

"I've arranged for my men to take your father's body back," Aria informs me softly, her arm wrapped up in a bandage. 

I nod at her, "Thanks."

"Bye," She smiles politely before meeting up with her sister who looked so opposite of her. One looks so bad ass while the other looks so innocent. 

"Get in the car, Carina," I told my ex-lover's sister who was standing there, a towel over her shoulders as she stared at the mansion. She nods sadly at me before slowly getting into the car. 

"Boss," Jared runs over, wiping his forehead as everyone starts going to their own cars. Looking at the house, I can see the fire spreading inside. I take a sip of my water before getting into my car, letting Damian and his gang drive out first with me trailing right after. I take a look at the mansion, smirking. Let the dead corpse of the enemies burn down with it along with the memories. 

"So what's the plan?" Jared asked when we drove out of the territory.

"I'm bringing Carina home," I answered, staring at the road. 

I don't know what will I say to Lea's family. They'll probably hate me. 


The Gambinos' Mansion was burning up as planned. This is what happens when you mess with the Dragons. They should have never thought of taking away my angel. We came here only to save Alyssa, but in the end, we saved more than we planned. 

Here I am in the back seat of the jeep, Alyssa sleeping with her head resting on my shoulders. My love is so tired from earlier. Thank God she is okay. I'm glad she is okay. When she decided to go back to save the others, I admit I was so angry. She made me worry even more for her and our unborn child. She risked her life for others. I was angry, but still proud of her. I love a beautiful, brave woman.

I pull her closer, happy to have her back in my arms. No ones going to ever hurt her again.

"What now Boss?" Fabio asked from the driver's seat.

"We track down Daniel," I state, thinking about the enemy's son who's still alive, "...then kill him."

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