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"What's Fabio's story?" I ask curiously after I got tired of spying on the on and off couple who were in the garden, arguing about something. Turning away from the window, I walk over to Damian, who sat behind his desk, typing away on his laptop. He's been working all day and I decided to stay home today. I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go to my mansion. Charles has everything under control there. At least, that's what he told me over the phone. Poor guy sounded frustrated during the call, talking about how he can't sleep properly with the baby crying every time. 

Sitting down on my own desk, I look at Damian who looks up at  me thoughtfully. This was Damian's office, but then he brought in a desk and seat for me. So we share the office, work together too. We can work and spend time with each other. 

"Fabio has been working for me for years and is my most trusted member," Damian tells me and I push my seat, the wheels rolling me into his direction. He turns and stops my seat, making me smile at him, "Continue."

He asked, "What do you want to know?"

I shrug innocently, resting my arm on his desk, saying, "Hmmm, how about his love life?" 

Damian chuckles, "That is not for me to say, Angel." 

"Oh come on, " I say with a pout, "At least tell me why he keeps pushing Malu away?" 

Damian sighs, shaking his head at me before spilling the tea. Damian's expression changed as he starts explaining, he looked sad for his friend. "Before he met Malu, Fabio didn't use to be like the way he is now.  He was actually friendly and all that. He met this city girl named Annie and he fell for her. They dated for 2 years until she got murdered by someone."

My heart broke for Fabio. I didn't know he went through that. 

"Well? Did you guys find out who killed her?" I ask Damian. 

"Before Annie died, she managed to tell Fabio that the murderer had a tattoo of a skull on his neck. Till now, we're still trying to find him," Damian answers quietly, reaching over to hold my hand, "...the reason he pushes Malu away is because-"

"He doesn't want Malu to end up like Annie," I finish his sentence and he nods, stroking my hair. 

"That's right," Damian smiles a little and I blow out a breath, thinking about Fabio's life. That is very sad. I feel so bad for Malu too. She loves him so much, but has no idea why he keeps pushing her away. Damian pulls me closer to him suddenly, startling me for a second. He stares into  my eyes, rubbing his thumb over my hand, saying, "I don't want the same thing to happen to you too. I'll never let that happen."

"Promise?" I put up my pinky finger and he chuckles, doing the same, "I promise." I smile at him, heart fluttering when he still had his pinky wrapped around mine, bringing my hand closer and placed over his heart. He leans in, kissing me softly on the lips before pulling away when his phone suddenly rings. Groaning in annoyance, he answers the phone, "Let him in." He hangs up and turns to me, making me ask, "Who's here?" 


Walking down the stairs, a smile makes its way up my face when I see familiar faces looking up at me and Damian as we walk hand in hand. I haven't seen them in months since what happened to me and Bryce. Reaching the floor, I was suddenly engulfed in a bear hug while the girl stands there with a smile, waiting her turn. 

"I missed you, Angel," Alejandro says as I wrap my arms around him, smiling widely. 

"I didn't know you were coming. Where have you guys been?" I ask curiously, pulling back to hug Hyacinth who looks very flawless than the last time. She looks so much better and happier and I'm happy for her. She's with Alejandro all this time and I know he treats her well. 

"We've been working and rebuilding things," Hya answers with a smile. Damian and Alejandro greet each other, doing whatever it is boys do. All we need is Nico to come here so it would be a reunion. The Squad reunion. 

We all go sit in the living room to talk with each other. I sit beside Damian with the Alejandro and Hya sitting across from us. 

"I see you guys are not faking anymore," Alejandro comments when he sees the dragon ring on my finger, making me smile. "The Dragon ring belongs to his future wife, like the one he loves. A fake wife can't wear it. Seeing as your wearing it, I guess you guys are really dating now huh?" 

Damian nods, holding my hand in his, "Yes, we are."

"I'm so happy for you guys," Alejandro says as the maids start serving us drinks. "Nico knows right?" He was trying not to laugh and it made me roll my eyes.

"He knows," Damian and I said in unison, laughing quietly after. 

Looking over to Hya, I look at her in concern when she looked like she wanted to vomit after taking a drink of the orange juice that was just placed on the table earlier, "Are you okay, Hya?"

Alejandro smiles widely, putting his arm around her shoulder, "My girl's pregnant. 10 weeks pregnant. We have to schedule an ultrasound appointment soon."

"Congratulations guys!" I exclaimed happily. My friends are going to be parents soon and I'm so happy and excited for them. "I'm so happy for you guys."

Hya gives me a smile, a hand over her small bump, saying, "I'm happy for you guys too. We're all going to be parents."

I smile a little, knowing that it is not true. 

Damian squeezed my hand in comfort while Hya realizes what she said, looking at me nervously. "Oh, I'm sorry. Its just I thought you're pregnant too when I saw your bump."

I try to make her relax, "You mean these fats?" I pointed to my stomach. I was gaining weight and I really need to start working out again, I still have my modeling career. 

Hya laughs, but I know she still feels bad for what she said earlier. I can't have a child like her and it saddens me, but Damian squeezing my hand in his makes me relaxed and feeling okay. 


We talked for an hour and we invited them to stay here instead of spending money on hotels. After showing them to their room and letting them get settled in, I decide to go to my own room with a sigh. 

Alejandro and Hya are just here to visit since they've been gone for awhile and also to meet her family. They also want to get married here and I'm happy for the both of them. They'll be having a family of their own soon. 

I walk out on the balcony, trying to clear my mind. The sun was setting and the clouds start to change color. The birds were flying home and the wind caressed my skin as I stood there in silence. 

Arms wrap around my waist and I smile a little as Damian rests his chin on my shoulder, "Hey,  beautiful." 

"Hey," I reply quietly and together we watch the sunset. We don't say anything and just enjoy the peacefulness of this moment. My stomach grumbles and my eyes went wide while Damian pulls away with a smirk, "Hungry, my beast?"

I turn around, rubbing my stomach, "Very hungry."

"Get dressed. We're going out tonight. Just you and me," Damian utters, placing a kiss on my hand before walking away. I smile and happily got dressed before meeting him outside. He holds my hand as we leave the house to go on a date. 

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