17 | Damian

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Hey guys! I was supposed to update twice yesterday but I only updated once because my right arm started to hurt so bad. I mostly write on my phone and I'm right handed haha. I wasn't sure if I could update today because it still hurt, but tadaaaaa! the pain lessened enough and I could type but on my laptop.

hehe oh well, yall remember to comment & vote


When I was 18, I was given the Dragon ring which has been passed down for generations. My father gave it to my mom and now, it's my turn to give it to the woman I love. The Dragon Ring isn't just any ring, it was a special ring. A ring meant only for the woman you love, your wife who will be known as the Lady Dragon.

The ring symbolizes my love for her. It also acts as a warning...as protection. It presents the Dragonov Family. The ring was custom-made and was only for us Dragonovs. Among my brothers, I was the one who inherited the ring since I was the leader of the Family. None of my brothers wanted this position, I had no choice but to take it and then I end up losing the one girl I've ever loved. Her father left her when she was young and they had to start a new life without him. Nico went through a hard time, but as his best friend, I was always there for him and her even though she started to drift away from me. I was busy with the mafia world but I always made sure she was safe. Being related with a mafia family isn't easy. There are people out there who wants to bring you down. I admit, my gang and I are bad but we've never harmed children or woman. Its a big rule. I was always worried for Alyssa even though I've been a jerk towards her most of the time so I had my men install cameras on Nico's land.

After she fell in love and got married to some guy, I couldn't do anything. She was in love and was very happy so I stopped checking on her and focused on my life. She was happy and she deserves to be happy...even if the guy is not me. If she's happy, I'm happy.

Then I found out the guy who was meant to love her forever was the same guy who broke her heart. After researching and digging up information, I found out that her husband- Bryce was in love with his childhood love- Maria. I hated that guy after what he put my Angel through. She didn't deserve to go through all that heartbreak and pain because of him and Maria. I despised all of them who made her suffer. She didn't deserve any of that. She deserves happiness, and that is what I will give her. I want to give her everything, but I just wish she'd let me in. Something is keeping her from being with me.

Whatever it is, I know I will still love her...no matter what.

I look down at her lovingly as she cuddles me, sleeping peacefully.

When she stormed into my room earlier, I was confused as to why she looked mad. She looked very cute though. She was upset that I had given her the dragon ring because it should be for the woman I love.

You deserve to wear it. Its yours, you are the woman I'm in love with, I thought as I place my hand over her soft one that rested on my bare chest.

That night when we all had dinner, Nico and their mother saw the ring on her finger, but Alyssa didn't really know much about the ring. When all the girls went to Malu's room and our mother's went to talk privately about us, the boys and I went to my office where I explained to Nico everything.

I remember Nico and I's conversation that night.

"You gave her the ring?" Nico asked, shocked.

Sitting behind my desk, I look up at my best friend, nodding while Fabio went to get us wine from the cellar. I knew one day I would have this conversation with him, and here it is.

"But," Nico said, thinking, "-that ring is meant for your real wife, your lover- the one you love bro! Alyssa isn't. She is your fake wife. She's here for you to protect for me. I know how important that ring is, but you didn't have to give it to my sister because I'm your best friend."

"She is," I answered, standing up and walking around the table to stand in front of Nico, "She is the woman I love."

"Bro," Nico said. He looked like he didn't believe me. "What? I don't- since when?"

I sighed, going to sit down on the couch and he follows after, urging me to answer.

"Remember how we found Alyssa? You asked me why I installed cameras on your land," I look at him and he thinks, trying to remember that time and then he nods, making me continue, "I installed them there long before to make sure Alyssa is safe since she goes there a lot."

"I hate you for doing that without my permission, without telling me, but then, because of that we found my sister so..." Nico shrugged.

"I've been in love with your sister since we were kids, Nico." I told him honestly.

Nico frowned at me, "Bryce said that when he was with Alyssa and he hurt her-"

I cut him off. "Well, I'm not Bryce. I'm Damian Dragonov."

Nico stood up, shaking his head at me, "Alyssa is my sister and you are my best friend! What the hell, dude."

Fabio came back inside the room and realized the tension. I give him a look, silently telling him to come back again later. He shuts the door and I look at my best friend, casually just sitting there.

Nico who was pacing around then sat down, sighing as he looked at me, pissed. I don't say anything and just waited for him to calm down.

"Look, I'm not against you loving my sister. If you love her, I'm cool with it," He uttered firmly, "but...what I'm not cool with is if you hurt her. You are my best friend and she's my little sister, you both mean the world to me.....okay that was cringe, but you get what I'm trying to say."

I chuckle, sitting up. "I would never hurt Angel. You brought her to me so I can protect her, but if she gets kidnapped, she could be killed easily, but with the Dragon ring, they will have to think more than twice. I love her bro even though she might not feel the same way for me yet."

It was Nico's turn to chuckle, "Give her time. She went through shit."

I break out of my thoughts when Alyssa cuddles closer, making me smile while pulling her closer. She is such a beautiful and kind hearted woman. I am absolutely crazy for her even though I act like a jerk sometimes. But I would do anything for her. Smiling down at her, I place a gentle kiss on her forehead before finally falling asleep with her in my arms.

But the next morning, when I woke up...

She was gone.

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