52 | The End

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Few years later...

                   "Mama Angel," Someone poked me on the back, making me turn around. I look down to see 6-year old, Camila Lorraine, looking up at me timidly. She's growing up so fast. Her hair is in a ponytail and she's looking so cute in her pink little dress.

"Camila, hey dear," I smile at her, lightly pinching her chubby cheek, "What's up?"

"I want cake," She shyly told me, making me laugh quietly.

We were standing near the table that had all the cakes and sweets. Today is my daughters first birthday so it's a big birthday celebration. I've invited all my friends and families including Bryce and his family too. They don't always come to our parties because of our past. Bryce still struggles to look me in the eyes after everything even though I've moved on from it years ago. I'm still happy they got to join us today.

"Camila!" Maria scolds, running up to us, "I'm so sorry, Alyssa. Baby, I told you to stay put."

I shake my head with a small smile, saying, "It's alright. I'm happy you guys made it."

Maria smiles politely, holding Camila closer to her as they both look at me. I smile down at Cammy before telling her mom, "In 10 minutes, we'll be singing happy birthday."

Leaning down to Camila, I pinch her cheek, "Then I'll make sure you have a lot of cake to eat and bring home, okay?" I smile when she nods her head happily, hugging her mom's side. 

"Angel," Turning around, I see my husband, Damian, walking over with our daughter in his arms.

Yes, Damian is my husband. We got married a few months after I gave birth to our oldest child, Aidan Leon Dragonov, who's probably running around with the other kids.

"Hey you," I smile widely when they come over. He places a kiss on my cheek then hands over our baby daughter. I hold her in my arms, saying, "My birthday girl." Damian puts his arm around my shoulder as we look at her play with my necklace.

Today my daughter, Calista Rose, turns 1 year old. She's such an angel and the most beautiful baby girl ever. She doesn't cry much like her older brother, Aidan.

Carrying her in my arms, we walk closer to the birthday cake as everyone starts coming over as well especially the children. I smile at how excited the kids are to eat cake. Maria and Bryce stood behind Camila who was admiring the big cake. Bryce looks at me and gives me a small smile, and I return him one.

"Akihiro Lee Irishiro, behave right now," Hyacinth was telling her son who's the same age as Aidan, but a month older. She is pregnant again, this time with a baby girl due in 2 months.

I try not to laugh when she hits Alejandro on the arm to stop their son from playing with the cupcakes.

Kids are so hyper.

"Aidan, baby no," I tell my son when I caught him pushing his cousin, Jericho to the ground. Jericho is Nico and Lora's son. He was a miracle baby. I look at Lora apologetically when Jericho starts crying. She waves me off and tries to comfort him.

"Aidan really takes after you," I mutter to Damian who smirks, making me elbow him in the stomach,  "Better talk to him and apologize to Richo."

"Okay, okay," he tells me, squeezing my waist.

"Let's all sing happy birthday in 1, 2, 3 GO!" Emma, my mother in law, said happily, starting the song. My heart melts when I look at the children all smiling while singing. I smiled wider when Baby Rose rests her head against my chest. So cute.

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