34 | Tarrah

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Groaning in pain, I clutch my injured abdomen as I slowly got out of the car. Irritated and angry, I reach up and pull off the mask off my face, throwing it aside angrily. We were in an abandoned warehouse far from the city where no one knows about or won't think to even check. 

"My lady," One of the members of my gang, Vince, said as she puts his arms around me for support, but I angrily shove him away despite the pain, "Get away from me, you prick." I drag a chair over, sitting down as I pull my hand away from my abdomen, to see how bloody disgusting it is. 

That fucking girl named Malu shot me in my damn abdomen while I was running back to my car. I almost had it- I almost killed that damn Alyssa, but they arrived and ruined every thing I had planned. My phone rings and I take a deep breath when I saw it was my father calling. Clearing my throat, I put on a smile before answering, "Yes daddy?"

"Tarrah, where are you? You are in so much trouble, young lady," He scolds over the phone while I try to stop the bleeding, glaring at Vince to hurry up with the first aid kit. He rushes over, getting down on his knees to attend to my wound while I answer my father. 

"What did I do?" I ask innocently.

"Don't act like you don't know what you did," Ando, my father snaps, on the other line, "You took my men and trashed 3 of the cars. I doubt the car you're using right now looks fine." I turn to the car we came here in, seeing how ugly it has become. There's a dent and gun shots on it. 

"It looks fine, nothing your money can't fix," I tell him, wincing when Vince pulled out the bullet. 

"You better come to the Gambinos' place at 6PM tonight," Father told me firmly, "We're having diner with your future husband and his family." With that said, he hung up on me and I drop my phone in pain when Vince started cleaning up my wound. I clench my hands, my wound stings. Tonight, I have to go over for dinner. I'll be seeing my future husband, Xander. He's the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on. A man that I do not ever want to share with another woman.

After Vince was done bandaging my wound, I push him aside before standing up and kicking the chair away, thinking about my next plan. 


Arriving at my destination in a new car, I get out of the car, dressed in a black dress reaching mid thigh. Vince comes up to me, putting my white coat over my shoulders before stepping back. I flip my hair, entering the mansion, heading to the dining room. The doors open, allowing me in, and I watch as everyone at the table looks at my grand entry. I try not to show how angry I am when Xander does not even glance at me and just stared at the candle in front of him. I mask my anger with a smile, walking over and sitting down beside him. 

"Ah, my beautiful future daughter in law," Xander's father, Arthur, said from beside Xander who doesn't want to acknowledge me. 

"Good evening, every one," I greet them all, then look at Xander expectantly.

"Xander," Emilia starts talking, looking at him, "Your future wife is here. Aren't you going to talk to her?" 

Xander turns to me, smirking nonchalantly before turning away again. The doors open again and this time, we all watch as the boss arrives- Danilo. The old man still doesn't want to give up his position. So stubborn. He weakly walks over, looking at me with distaste before going to his seat. Okay, why that look? Does he hate me? 

Once the man sits down, he looks at me, "Explain yourself."

"Pardon?" I ask when I was about to start eating. 

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