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                      Unknown POV 

"Kill her right now," 

A gun was shoved into my chest as I struggle to stand straight while on my knees. I take hold of the gun, looking at the man who forced the gun into my chest. It was Daniel Gambino, the next mafia leader in line. 

He looks at me before going to stand beside his father, Danilo, the current leader of the Gambino Mafia Gang, who smirks in his seat. His wife had passed away already so his daughter, Emilia, sat in her mother's seat. 

Emilia was my lover. Yes. Was. She betrayed me. I loved her so much and left everything behind for her only to find out she was part of a Mafia family. Not only that, she dumped me for another gang's son, Arthur Vincenzo. There he was staring at me while she whispered something into his ear. Arthur was a married man even before he stole the woman I loved. His wife was murdered and he is left with a son.

And tied up to the chair in the middle of the room was his son's lover. 

"Don't disappoint me," Daniel said loudly from across the room as I struggle to stand up after being on my knees for hours as punishment for trying to run away. 

I've been trying to leave this darned place after Emilia and I didn't work out, but they wouldn't let me leave even after I promised I wouldn't backstab them or tell their secrets. They've kept me here against my will and will kill me if I try to leave. Its been fucking years already. I need to get out of here and I will do whatever it takes if it means I can get out of here alive. 

I stand up, walking over to the girl sitting in the chair. Her makeup was ruined as she kept crying with a cloth over her mouth to keep her cries shut. She looks at me with pleading eyes. It got wider when she saw the gun in my shaky hands. Hands that have done the Gambinos' dirty work. 

"I'm sorry, Lea." I whisper, aiming my gun at her head. 

She starts breathing fast as she looks at the gun, hoping I do not pull the trigger. But if I don't kill her, I'll die. 

Lea was the lover of Emilia's stepson. They loved each other, but the mafia family was against that love. Instead of their own blood killing her, they decided it's better to have me do it and have their son come for me. 

She shook her head at me, tears dripping down her face. 

"Do it, Ali!" Emilia shouts at me. 

I snap my gaze at her, then slowly turned back to the young girl panicking in her seat. 

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to die." I tell her, pulling the trigger. 

The bullet goes through her head, killing her, leaving her lifeless and limp in her seat as blood stained me on the face. My hand shook uncontrollably as I took it all in. 

I've killed people before...but this is my first time, killing an innocent soul.

I'm so very sorry. I thought, staring wide eyed at her body.

I heard claps coming from the Gambinos'. They were glad I carried out their order. I'm not, but I have no choice.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint me," Danilo praised. "I hated that bitch."

"Father, but what will we do about Xander?" Emilia asked.

Xander was her stepson and I'm sure he'll want to kill me after knowing I killed the love of his life.

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