35 | The Phone call

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2 Days Later...

"What makes you feel better?" Vince asked me breathlessly after I roll off of him, pulling the sheets over our naked bodies.

"Fucking weak boys like you," I answer casually, staring at the ceiling of my bedroom. 

"But why weak boys like me?" He asked hesitantly, turning to look at me.

 I prop up on my elbow, not caring that my boobs were on display as I look at Vince who kept his eyes on my face. "Because weak boys like you are so easy, vulnerable, and...makes me feel loved. Unlike somebody."

 He props up on his elbow like me and looks at me with a smile, making me roll my eyes as I lay back down on my back. Its currently 10:35 PM and we've been in here since 9PM after my dinner with Xander and his father, Arthur. Xander ignored me the entire time and it angered me, but Vince helped me to forget about him. Kinda. I kept imagining Xander the entire time and almost called his name out. 

"You should forget about Xander," Vince said, making me look at him with anger in my eyes.

"Excuse me?" I snap at him. 

"Tarrah, you deserve better," Vince tells me while I sit up angrily, pointing at the door.

"Get the fuck out right now!" I hiss at him, shaking in anger. He sighs to himself, grabbing his clothes before leaving my room as I curse under my breath. I clench my hands, trying my best not to go after him and shoot him in the head for even thinking like that. I deserve better obviously! And Xander is that man I deserve! I will make him mine no matter what it takes.


"What are you doing here?" Ali asked when he sees me turn up at the abandoned warehouse in my red lambo. I roll my eyes, putting my car key and phone into my jacket as I walk closer to him.

He wasn't alone, of course. I heard from Vince that the boys were punishing one of their man for trying to betray them. I wanted to watch and have some fun too.

"To have some fun, duh," I tell him, putting my jacket over the chair as I grin to myself. I click my tongue when I see Vince standing there with 3 guys as they punch the guy tied to the chair.

"Go home, Tarrah."

"That won't happen, Ali baby," I retort, flipping my hair before walking over to the boys.  Vince comes over to me and I try to remain calm, controlling myself from smacking him for what he said last night.

"Xander cleaned up your mess," Vince informs me, making me smile at his name.

"Aww, how sweet of him," I say happily before focusing my eyes on the beat up man who couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. "Who is this shit?"

"Pablo Pacquir," Vince answered, "He was with us when we attacked Xander's second bride."

I snap my gaze at him angrily, making me step back as I say, "Fucking say that again and I will cut your tongue off, Vincent. "

Vince sighs, but nods, continuing, "Anyways, he was arrested and tried to sell us out, but luckily one of the cops were in debt to us so he got out. Xander left him in our care."

"Hmmm," I hum, dragging my finger on the table that had small knifes and guns on it, smiling as I pick up a scalpel. "Hello, Pablo."

The 3 guys who were standing by took a step back when I went near, holding a scalpel in hand as I walk around the hurt man. His eyes went wide as I drag my finger on his shoulders, breathing fast, "Please, please, have mercy..."

"Bitch, you wanted to rat us out," I deadpanned, going to sit on his lap, knowing that he can't do anything with his tied up hands. Not caring that my dress would stain from sitting on his injured lap.

"Your dress," Vince points out but I roll my eyes at him, turning back to the guy who was wincing in pain.

"You failed to leave the scene," I say, playing with the scalpel, "and you almost told on us...you son of a bitch!" I slam the scalpel in his chest, making him shout out in so much pain as I smile, twisting it around.

"How about we cut that tongue off? Hmmm," I smile innocently, standing up as Pablo shakes his head at me with tears in his eyes. How pathetic. This is what he gets for almost telling on us. "Say ah.." Before I could cut his tongue off, Ali comes up and takes the scalpel from me.

"Get lost, Tarrah," Ali snaps at me.

Rolling my eyes at him, I pick up the gun on the table and pointed it at him in anger. He is an old piece of shit who should not talk to me that way.

"Tarrah, don't."

Vince stood behind me.

"Why can't I just kill him?" I ask while Ali just smirks.

"Because, " Vince said, "He belongs to the Gambinos. He's responsible for bringing that bitch you hate so much."

Out of anger, I ended up shooting Pablo instead, making everyone look at him with wide eyes. I never took my eyes off of Ali who turns to me, angry I had killed the man. So what if I killed him? I put him out of his misery.

I drop the gun and saunter back to the chair that had my jacket, flipping my hair before getting into my car. Vince follows after me, getting into the shotgun seat. He looks at me with a sigh, "I don't know who's worse in controlling their anger. You or the Gambinos."

"Just because we had sex doesn't mean you get to talk to me like that," I told him, pulling my phone out to make a call.

"I care about you, Tarrah," Vince tells me but I just make a face at him as if he was crazy.

Ignoring him, I start up the engine and we drive away from the warehouse, heading somewhere else where I could relax. 


Sitting in my car, I smirk when my plan works. Here in the car, all alone, I can hear the two voices coming from my phone. I can hear them talking over the phone, but they have no idea there's someone else listening on to their phone call with each other. I recognize one voice but not the other one. 

"Yes, Iana?" A girl asked quietly. 

"Anything new?" Tarrah asked the girl. 

Shaking my head, I relax into my seat as I listen to their conversation, hoping they would give me what I need. 

"Alyssa is alive," The girl whispered. 

"Damn it, Claire!" Tarrah shouted in anger, making me smirk. "Where is she?!"

"She's currently in the iCare Hospital," Claire responded. 

"I will kill her. See you soon," Tarrah hung up, making me put down my phone as I smile, satisfied with the information I got from listening to their phone call. Its so easy to get that girl riled up. She always gets her way, but not this time.

Now, I just have to think about my next plan. 

Hi guys!

Sorry for the late update. On Friday, I went to school to enroll for summer class and had to gather requirements  for something else which left me exhausted. I was so drained so I didn't write.

Because of this pandemic, we're still going to do online learning and summer class starts tomorrow. So fast! Haha. Any of you guys from Philippines? Hehe

You guys keep safe wherever you are!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please remember to comment and vote;) And wait patiently for the next update! With class starting tomorrow, I'll do my best to update when I can.

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