22 | Stranger Saved Me

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THE NEXT morning, I was taking a bath when I realized something, but then shrugged it off, not really worrying about it. After brushing my teeth, I got dressed up for today.

I let my hair down, applying light makeup since I felt like it

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I let my hair down, applying light makeup since I felt like it. Grabbing my purse, I walked out of my bedroom, ready to start my day.

"Good morning, " I smile brightly at my mother who was having coffee in the dining room, "How was sleep?"

"Morning, dear," Mom smiles, "Sleep was fine. You?"

"Fantastic, " I responded as the maids start setting my breakfast down in front of me. I was having fried eggs and jumbo hotdog for breakfast today. I happily dig into my food while Mom reads the newspaper.

"You have any plans for today?" Mom asked curiously, putting the newspaper away.

"Not really. I'm dropping by at the mansion later," I said after I swallowed the food, "Why?"

"Okay, how bout we go out later? It's been awhile since we went out together for bonding, " Mom suggests excitedly.

"Yes, I would love that," I grinned, finishing up my food.

"Okay, well I'll go get ready." Mom said before leaving the table.

She leaves the dining room just as Fabio and Malu enters, glaring at eachother. Malu was dressed differently today, wearing a different color other than black today.

"Must you always come at the same time as me?" Malu asked Fabio who just looked bored

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"Must you always come at the same time as me?" Malu asked Fabio who just looked bored. He ignores her question, looking at her outfit, "What are you wearing?"

I arch a brow at him, trying not to smile while Malu looks at him in an annoyed manner. "Obviously a dress."

"I know that. Go change," Fabio demanded.

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